GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Oh hell yeah they can be.

I present to you…

The Anti-English Spectrum is a group dedicated to fucking over foreigners who happen to either be in the military or teach English in South Korea.

One of my students there had a Vietnamese mother and spent pretty much an entire year being bullied and the bullies never got punished despite being reported multiple times (mostly by me). The principal was likely as xenophobic as the bullies were.

So yeah Koreans can (and often are) super-racist and xenophobic.

Given the stuff that was the norm in every forum/comments section on sites frequented by foreigners in China I see myself as fortunate to have not experienced more xenophobia when I was there. (Obviously reading English language forums isn’t something the average Chinese person is capable of or interested in doing.)

They cleaned it up a few years back and it’s mostly Winnie the Pooh memes now but back in the pre-Trump days r/China was my go-to for wanting to feel terrible about humanity.

Should be noted that those forums are pretty much the domain of compulsive complainers. You would think that every country was a shithole if you relied on them. I stopped going to them because I pretty much felt miserable every single time I wanted to find some information.

China seemed more receptive to westerners than South Korea. I mean my friends and I got thrown out of restaurants before we even got a chance to sit down in rural Korea. On the other hand, I had almost exclusively friendly interaction in China no matter where I was in the country.

Being white certainly helps though. Non-white westerners probably had a more negative (or at least less positive) experience.


Corporations don’t have political beliefs in any meaningful way, except insofar as advancing political ideas increases their profits. When we talk as if they have beliefs we cede important debates to Republicans by default.

The vast majority of “beliefs” a random company like Arby’s, Dow, or Ford have relate to worker wages, environmental regulations, and fuel standards, and their positions uniformly are those which advance shareholder value. When we talk about corporations as if they have beliefs, which should be protected speech and able to lobby endlessly to advance their beliefs by conservative logic, we are giving up tons of ground in the debate about whether corporations or the people should be driving the bus about how our society functions.


Thinking that corporations are any kind of allies to progressivism is one of, if not the most insane thing posted in this thread. Which is a pretty damn high bar. Having gay people in your adverts and reluctantly agreeing that black people shouldn’t be extra-judiciously murdered on the reg isn’t progressive.


Three North Carolina Republican lawmakers introduced a bill Monday that would prevent doctors from performing gender confirmation surgery for transgender people younger than 21.

The legislation follows a nationwide trend of GOP-controlled state legislatures looking to limit treatments for transgender adolescents. Unlike other states, however, North Carolina would classify adults between the ages of 18 and 21 as minors under the “Youth Health Protection Act.”

Medical professionals who facilitate a transgender person’s desire to present themselves or appear in a way that is inconsistent with their biological sex could have their license revoked and face civil fines of up to $1,000 per occurrence. The measure bars doctors from providing gender confirming hormone treatment, puberty blockers or surgery.

Senate Bill 514 would also compel state employees to immediately notify parents in writing if their child displays “gender nonconformity” or expresses a desire to be treated in a way that is incompatible with the gender they were assigned at birth. LGBTQ advocates fear the bill would out people under 21 who tell state workers that they may be transgender.

The notification thing will probably get stripped out to make the rest of it seem ‘moderate’ but having the parents get a notification that you’re being non conformist is the surest way to start a gender fluid trend in high school

Too much of an asshole for the Duke golf team sounds like a punchline.


Simp, u swole up ?

Who wore it better?


NC obviously didnt learn anything from the bathroom bill debacle.

They learned to wait until Georgia was taking off the heat. Also, Arkansas actually passed that bill into law last week.

Spent a few minutes clicking around. To be fair, it does seem like the English Spectrum members and posts that inspired all the hate are pretty terrible too.

Allow me to don the SweetSummerChild persona, but Corporations being the enemy of the Republican Party is a good thing. Enemy of my enemy. In general, I’m getting a little more optimistic that the buffoonery of the Reps is apparent to more and more people. Combined with the surprising efficacy of the Biden admin so far, I am more hopeful. Maybe in 1.5 years I’ll be set straight.


Wow. I hope this infrastructure bill gets passed soon.


Na, I hurt my back and didn’t lift much since Jan, though I’m now 100% and need to get back on the pony. Will probably lift today and hopefully be back in cardio classes in 3 weeks (2nd shot is April 13).


Right, but Arkansas has no industry, events, or money to lose, so they dont really have to abide by the same rules. Who is going to pull their event from Arkansas? The 38th annual tractor pull? The weekly home, boat, gun, and ammo show?


Mitch should be asked to his face why his wife hasn’t been indicted yet every time he shows it in public until he fucking quits.


There is zero chance Mitch has read the Georgia bill.

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lol we know he doesn’t give a shit about his hypocrisy, is he worried he pissed them off or something?

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