GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Obviously none of the Women for America First are concerned about him being there.

They arent his type

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All black people should be in work camps ldo.

he’s not wrong, they are, it’s just whether there’s an opening to be able to freely admit it or not. Was four years ago, now less so. Still a handful freely flying those trump flags tho.

He’s right, there are way too few Republican lawmakers in jail.


Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, was one of President Donald J. Trump’s most vocal allies during his term, publicly pledging loyalty and even signing a letter nominating the president for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the final weeks of Mr. Trump’s term, Mr. Gaetz sought something in return. He privately asked the White House for blanket pre-emptive pardons for himself and unidentified congressional allies for any crimes they may have committed, according to two people told of the discussions.


Let’s go Lee, Biggs, Jordan, et al.

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Wait so corporations are not people after all?

Honestly I feel lik everyone who over enthusiastically kissed Trump’s as was sweating some criminal shit they were hoping to get a pardon for.

Didnt we cover secret pardons? For all we know Gaetz got one right? We would only know if they tried to charge him.

That said I highly doubt trump pardoned anyone who couldn’t hurt him and had nothing good to offer him. They could have easily squashed this investigation when Barr was in charge of the doj and didn’t

So we’re never getting the Russian shit declassified right? Another wtf moment that trump and bar fought so hard to keep it classified and apparently there was nothing of interest in there

I cannot sit here and listen to this guy talk without flying into a blind rage like every single time 100% I see or hear his dumb whiny voice and his stupid fake listening face I just wanna punch my iPad screen and be done with it


Of course they’re people, people who should stay out of politics.

Well except for that sweet, sweet unlimited financial contribution part.

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We should get used to the idea that corporations, to the extent they can be generalized, are centrist rather than conservative.


Corporations ultimately have to listen to their employees. AT&T did some stuff that was downright progressive when I was there - like the CEO blasting All Lives Matter. I guarantee he didn’t do that because he personally gives a shit. He did it because he didn’t want a revolt from AT&T’s 50k or whatever black employees.

It’s corporate employee activism that’s providing a check on Republican fascist insanity, not C-level douches having a conscience.

I mean I guess their speaking out helps bring more attention to these matters but they’re still donating insane amounts of money to the party who wants to end democracy so I guess they get a D- instead of an F.

If they wanted to they could have yanked the chains of enough legislators in GA and wherever else and told them not to pass these laws or they were cut off and they would shovel money to their opponents. Guarantee you these bills would not have passed.

They didn’t because in the end they don’t give a shit and in fact are probably happy with it.


They virtue signal wokeness while still support the people trying to end democracy?

They will probably donate to the republican party even more now. Corporations care about their bottom line and literally nothing else.

Watch how much they donate to these same politicians in 2022.

Lol at them being centrist


lmao my super woke company (as in, the emails I get every week, and who they book to be guest speakers), gave both the dems and gop 30k, but then 7500 to kevin mccarthy, 10k to mitch mcconnell, and 12k to john thune. Jesus christ.


He needs to be canceled for wearing brown face. That’s Trump level make up.

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So Republicans now hate the NFL, NBA, MLB, Coca Cola, Delta, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Nike, Dicks Sporting Goods, the FBI, the Post Office, CNN, Keurig (I think?) and a crap ton more I’m forgetting.