GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Or they’re bought and paid for. A much simpler and much more reasonable explanation than two people who got elected to the Senate are Trump levels of stupid. Sinema appears to be quite a capable careerist. Just read what people have said about her throughout her career.

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Bill Clinton was the nail in the coffin. Telling coal miners to code, what a message. Can’t believe those people turned to resentment politics.


These charges of dismissal about Mr. Hawn refusing to provide his students with access to varying points of view, which is required under Tennessee law.

This is ludicrous, obviously.

Mr Vance, I suggest GETTR or GAB or that other one.

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LOL, Noem at 0%. I was assured by Dan Harrington that bluffs need to be priced in at least 5%.


Rupar tweet says CPAC applauded us not hitting vax goal.

I hope they all die.


Not that it’s going to happen, but it sounds to me like the SD AG wants to go to jail for the rest of his life.

That shouldn’t play well normally but maybe SD juries are different.

Even Noem wants him to go away.

While the victim’s physical and mental state may be relevant at a civil trial to apportion responsibility between driver and victim, I’m confused why it would matter for the criminal charges he’s facing.

Maybe the AG is expecting to get off on the criminal charges and is laying the groundwork for the expected civil case. Idk, I’m just saying if it was in my power, he’d be fucking toast.

from a thread covering CPAC

I just don’t understand why anyone would allow themselves to be treated this way and still support their agenda.


A small tax cut is still a lot of money if you’re really rich? Delusions about how you can be “one of the good ones” and ascend to power?

Yeah, just different priorities.

Just based off economics, there are like maybe 2 million people that should vote GOP. But many more do because they hate brown people, gay people, women, etc.

This is the inverse of that.

for a bit it sounded like he was calling jesus a sick freak, which i totally understand

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You can hear the “is this what you pigs want? Please elect me!” in every tweet


Should have called it Jew York. He isn’t willing to go all in and the dipshits can tell.

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He’s so, so bad at this. It’s delightful.


I don’t know if this qualifies for the curse, but please tread lightly. Vance taking it down would be a tough pill to swallow.