GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

It’s truly amazing how much FOX and other right wing outlets are beating the “American cities have never been this dangerous” drum due to slight upticks in crimes YoY from when everyone was staying home


Deplorables always feel less safe when they aren’t in charge

Fucking Gingrich





If Ohio wants to vote for Republicans, maybe they deserve Mandel.

I never even heard of this but it’s funny it died.

Right wing nut balls like feeling persecuted.

Hey Lauren, this you?

“I wish more members of Congress had the life experiences that I’ve had,” she said. “I’m living the American dream. I came up from welfare, standing in line waiting for government cheese to now running for Congress.”


This seems like it fits here


I only see one flaw in their plan.

Only one?



You’ve got to admire the dedication to ignorance that even with 2 impeachments taking place right in front of them in the past 1.5 years they still seemingly have no understanding of the process.

I’d donate money to the goal if they actually forced Trump to draft the Articles, though.

Even the underpants gnomes think this wasn’t well thought out.

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The protection of uninhibited speech rights on private internet forums is now one of only three proactive policy priorities of the Republican party. (The other two are limiting the speech rights of woke teachers and addressing imaginary voter fraud.) The GOP’s newfound passion is driven both top-down by the cult leader who is sad he has lost his toys and bottom-up through demands from MAGA voters.

These great patriots are being CENSORED. And they let you know it on the many platforms where they are mysteriously still allowed to post.

They are pissed that they can no longer spread deadly misinformation about COVID vaccines. Or plot violent coups. Or harrass women, or trans folks, or other users they hate who happen to share the platform with them.

I scrolled through the suggested non-verified accounts and clicked on those that caught my eye. I was excited to see that all my friends were here. There’s @assplug, @nutboi, @BigRightTiddie, @GayforCummunism, @fat_trump_bussy, @qarmy, @qanonjohn, @johnQanon, @WinningWWG1wga, @pepedeluxe, @Confederate88, @Ni****s88, and more!

I also wanted to get a sense for the quality of discussion emanating from influencer and brand accounts, so I followed @SonicFastFood, @officialChewy, @SubwayUSA, @DominosOfficial, several different official Sean Hannity accounts, @KylieJenner, and Trump’s former campaign manager @CLewandowski.

Wait, what?

And the pranksters got me! My very first brand follow—@SonicFastFood—was not a representative of America’s heritage of innovative and tasty drive-in cuisine, but rather a digital gathering space for furry porn. Of which there is a lot on Gettr.

Ok, whew.

Look, that’s not my bag of beans but no judgment. If MAGAs are into that sort of thing, that’s cool. But let me just say that during my first day on Gettr I didn’t come across a single substantive exchange of ideas—but I was exposed to a very great deal of Sonic the Hedgehog erotica. What a world.

But back to our verification problem: The “official” Frito’s account posted a series of absurdist memes that featured a suggestion that users should dip their penises into a Wendy’s frosty. The “official” Domino’s account is much more obsessed with “breeding” than with pizza (and not so subtly requested that women send selfies in which they are covered in feces). Meanwhile the Ford Motor Company is “horny” and has joined the “pisser army” being spearheaded by Still Piss Kink Proud.


The most deplorable person I know, not coincidentally also the dumbest person I know, had this to say the other day. This will be the rights angle of attack on Babbits being killed for treason.

Literally all you ever have to do is sit down and watch the video and know there were high-value targets behind the door.

Dude literally shows the gun so everyone can see it. Everyone calls out gun, repeatedly. The prime door-smashers back off. Then 15 seconds later Babbit tries to storm through the top of the window. I would bet money that “they won’t shoot a woman as the first person through” was part of her plan.

So perfect for Trumpers that the revolutionary fervor all immediately drained out of them with one gunshot. Oh shit, wait this is real? We’re not just hurting others, but we could be hurt too? I didn’t sign up for that.


I would respond “She should have stopped resisting.”


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