GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If you swap out “Jesus” for “science” this exact view was probably held by most liberals up until about 2010 at least.

This is what makes anti intellectual messaging so powerfully simple. How do you argue against a point of view that is defined by rejecting reason? Its a tautology that they will reject your arguments.

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We should change the A in USA to Arrogance and be done with it.

Religion is a net negative.

How non-overlapping are the evangelicals and the MAGA CHUDs in the Venn diagram of Trumpkins?

That’s a tricky one because evangelicals are hard to categorize. In a broad definition of evangelical, there’s tons of overlap. There are some who are just intrinsic right wingers who claim to be devout christians but aren’t serious church attendees and just use religion as a way to justify their right wing views. Then there are the true bible thumpers that go to church once or more a week who are all republican all the time for the usual reasons, but as a group they seem to have bought in less to the cult of Trump than the rest of the GOP. It’s mostly anecdotal, but I know a few of those types, and they heaped a lot more praise on Pence than Trump during election season. They like what Trump does and tolerate the man. They love politicians like Pence.

Meh, it’s just choose your theocratic dictator, the evangelicals can argue who that should be, but it should be someone. We have to stop Sharia law ya know.

Santorum and Biggs in the mix.

Oh. AOC response.

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““As soon as we found out who the speakers were we immediately canceled it,” Mirtavoosi said.”


fuckin’ East Tennessee, of course. Perfect fucking example of the Southern Strategy at work. The Tri-Cities area was THE union stronghold in TN before the Republicans came in and fucked everything up.

My great uncle was chair of the TN AFL-CIO in the late 50s/early 60s, and my dad’s family (Johnson City, TN) were all democrats…like, dyed in the wool Kennedy-loving democrats. Fuck, the only thing i remember about my uncle’s house was a black and white shot of him on the lawn of the WH, shaking JFK’s hand. Thank the goddess or whoever that they valued education, so they weren’t fooled and stayed Dems when everyone else around them went batshit insane.

My grandmother and her brother were both teachers in Johnson City, they’re probably rolling in their graves right now.




They think the government should be there to enforce their hierarchy. That’'s a fundamental belief of their ideology. From police, to state governments, to the federal government. It’s not hypocrisy.

The government should force companies to allow them to say whatever they want, to deny voting rights to people think think shouldn’t vote, and for the police to terrorize the black community but leave them alone.

It’s not hypocrisy, it’s a core belief.


We are a Christian country and Jesus wants us to be Nazis. What’s the problem?

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The Dems abandoned the union folk way way before the union folk abandoned the Dems. When the choice is decimated unions and white guilt vs decimated unions and white rage people who haven’t internalised the notions of racial etiquette are probably going to pick the latter.


Manchin and Sinema are trump levels of stupid.

Is this true ? Didn’t Reagan And the conservative court decimate unions? And they did it specifically to lower Dems power?

I feel like Dems didn’t abandon unions until like the Clinton admin. If not then when ?

I was under the impression Dems relief heavily on unions but the conservative court absolutely destroyed them

You mean a quarter century ago?

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Cliffs? Was Carter and lbj anti union?

Or they’re bought and paid for. A much simpler and much more reasonable explanation than two people who got elected to the Senate are Trump levels of stupid. Sinema appears to be quite a capable careerist. Just read what people have said about her throughout her career.

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Bill Clinton was the nail in the coffin. Telling coal miners to code, what a message. Can’t believe those people turned to resentment politics.