GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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It will be fun to see how many more gaffes this guy makes over the next 50 years.


He eases his guilt by painting wounded soldiers, what a fucking champion. I mean without the lies and deception leading up to the invasion he wouldn’t have these muses to memorialize until the end of time.

Easiest use of



They’re getting comfortable enough to make the abortion - great replacement connection out loud.

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She is worse than her husband at labels. Five different labels for shelves that are clearly empty.

And one says “no mas”!

I have no data on this, but considering American demographics it seems pretty likely that an abortion ban will increase the speed of any „replacement“ they might be afraid of.

Maybe people should message „No abortions means more black babies“ and wait for racist heads to explode.

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You’re asking a racially-motivated political wedge issue to make sense.

I have a theory that the idea of less black babies was literally why evangelicals were fine with abortions when Roe v. Wade came out. Also they hate Catholics, or used to.

But then politicians and ambitious preachers figured out that white women aborting beautiful white babies leading to white replacement was a massively winning issue. Desegregation was apparently the big trigger.

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Just what we need, more evidence for @NotBruceZ that terrorism works.

Terrorism working is just a math problem.

Electricity is babies!

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they know this, which is exactly why they oppose helping babies in any way after they are born

Has anyone explained to them that it’ll be the white women largely still succeeding in obtaining abortions?


That’s why they’re immediately pushing for a national ban or at least a modern version of the fugitive slave law where blue states have to turn abortion fugitives over to red states.

Just need to start a false flag operation that applauds overturning Roe because it aids in demographic change.

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Oklahoma lawmakers pass bill banning abortions after ‘fertilization’

This one does specifically have exceptions for Plan B, the mother’s health, and rape or incest, so there’s that at least.