GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

In a world of microtargeting, it is totally possible to’ send messages to:

  1. White supremasists that banning abortion is a way to slow white replacement and

  2. POC that legal abortion is a conspiracy by white liberals to impose population control on black and brown populations.

There is no need for internal consistency especially when we operate in media environments where messages don’t necessarily cross over between communities.

And it’s not a particularly new argument. Just as one example, Justice Thomas has been making references to 2) in opinions (especially footnotes) for years, and iirc the Alito draft made a few nods towards the argument.

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Not microtargeting is a leak politically.

For now

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The English refused to give Ireland food aid while they were starving the Irish to death because they trusted the free market to solve the problem.

The best part about this is I’ve met Sinegal on multiple occasions and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Jelinek, on the other hand, is an insufferable asshole, and I can 100% see even the nicest person telling him that they will kill him for some reason.

A Pox upon your house for besmirching Blade and Spawn



Ive read 60-70% distro shortages of normal

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My only beef with this take is the insinuation that Great Replacement Theory is a brand new leap for Republicans.

They’ve been saying my whole adult life that the reason Dems want immigration reform is to grow their voter base. And the term anchor baby has been thrown around since I was a kid.

It’s not much of a wink wink to get from there to GRT. In so many ways, this is the same GOP it’s always been.


That’s fair. I never saw those. I’m not that into superhero movies, but I’ve seen most of the recent Marvel ones.

Also can’t tell if “gentile politics” is intentional or a misspelling of “gentle”.

I’m pretty sure it’s the latter. I assume he consider himself gentile after someone explained to him what it was.

Cry more, douchebag.

  1. Force people to have babies.
  2. Demean, impoverish, disenfranchise, and imprison them.
  3. ???
  4. Profit.
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I was thinking “genteel.”

Gentile politics seems appropriate

Yeah, this makes even more sense.