GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Lol, trying to turn their entire state into a giant safe space for people who are so fragile that they can’t even be asked a question about their crazy views.

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I disagree that Democrats generally try to avoid fucking people over. They’re just more subtle about it. Regardless, their strategy is doomed to fail.

They cover this like 3 times an episode on Knowledge Fight. EVERYTHING is a grift on Infowars

As always


Yup, as I recall that was it.

Wouldn’t believe that this guy got fired repeatedly for plagiarism

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I made it through the entire video. My Fitbit congratulated me.


Gee whiz I wonder why they think that.

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A better title for the two articles: “The Triumph of Right-Wing Messaging.”


Fortunately this nightmare scenario will be avoided by PA being forever red from here on out.

Normies: What’s Great Replacement Theory, and why are liberals being so annoying about it?

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woah - that was something.

Think i’m out of the loop here.

Was that a parody or is that an actual thing? If it’s an actual thing, good lord. If it’s a parody, it was a bad one. Guess there really isn’t a good answer now that I think about it. It’s bad all around, regardless.

I thought the topic was “The left can’t meme” but it was just a bunch of right wing memes.


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Georgia GOP Senate Primary would have similar tweets except there is no contender to an equally flawed candidate.

Apparently of the six GOP Georgia Senate candidates, the only one who has been a legislator before experience is some guy who served two terms in the Georgia House (lol) and looks freakishly like Rick Scott. He is offering $1 million to charity for Herschel Walker to debate him. And Walker leads by 50+.

lol Democracy, gg America

Drove by the Cobb County Republican Party’s HQ yesterday and at a glance (had to keep my eyes on the road, ldo), it looked like all the campaign signs outside were for nuttiest of nutjobs.

I 100% expect Herschel Walker to beat Warnock and it’s just depressing and mind-boggling that even though we’ve seen the MTGs and Gosarts of the world in Congress, that there is going to be someone as rock-bottom stupid as Walker with the title of Senator. Even Trump is smarter by a factor of many and he didn’t know shit about shit.

It’s an actual thing. Benny Johnson is a dishonest hack that’s been fired from anything he’s ever done for dishonesty so it’s fitting that he finally landed a job just directly lifting other people’s work. A bit of schadenfreude though to see a guy who was once an up and comer in the media world reduced to reading reddit to whoever pays for Parler. A parallel to D’Souza

So it’s like Bohemian Rhapsody but instead it’s Triggered Rhapsody. Get it?