GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Be terrible if something bad happened to that.

I think theyā€™ll find they can do what they want and no one will stop them


The statues of limitations donā€™t apply to murder. Stop violating my HIPPA!


What the fuck is mittens talking about?

Missouri used to be a fucking bellwether state. But only because a good chunk of the racists were still in labor unions.

Republicans offered them straight uncut racism in exchange for their union cards. The deal was too good to pass up.

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Heā€™s criticizing Bidenā€™s decision to split COVID funding from a Ukraine aid bill

Previously, I had recommended that Congress take overdue action on much needed funding for COVID treatments, vaccines and tests, as part of the Ukraine Supplemental bill. However, I have been informed by Congressional leaders in both parties that such an addition would slow down action on the urgently needed Ukrainian aid ā€“ a view expressed strongly by several Congressional Republicans. We cannot afford delay in this vital war effort. Hence, I am prepared to accept that these two measures move separately, so that the Ukrainian aid bill can get to my desk right away.

I actually kind of agree with Mitt here, even if heā€™s being a jackass, so maybe the tweet belongs in the lol Dems thread instead.

Are you sure? Heā€™d then be criticizing Biden for acquiescing to Republicans. My guess is that heā€™s actually criticizing him for not wanting to allow a vote on Title 42 in connection to COVID aid.

Itā€™s a little muddled, but I think heā€™s talking about a spending package that is in progress.

  1. Congress was working on a spending bill that primarily provided money for (A) Ukraine aid and (B) Covid treatments

  2. Senate Rā€™s wanted a provision in the bill that would force Biden to keep in place something called Title 42 (itā€™s a Trump-era policy that makes it easier to turn away folks at the border [based on the idea that we needed greater border controls in order to prevent imported Covid cases. Lol)

  3. Biden and the Dems want to get rid of Title 42, so the wonā€™t agree to that provision.

  4. In order to get the Ukraine $, the Dā€™s and Rā€™s have apparently struck a deal to pass a bill to just fund that stuff while trying to pass the Covid funding later.

  5. It is highly likely that the Covid only funding bill wonā€™t actually pass later (at least in part b/c they still disagree about the Title 42 stuff).

  6. So Mittens is using the 1 million deaths milestone to hammer the Dā€™s for not funding Covid treatments (while ignoring the core reason why the bill hasnā€™t passed)

Eta @anon38180840 Mitt is trying to have it both ways. If someone likes Title 42, you criticize Biden for not agreeing with it. If someone doesnā€™t like Title 42, you downplay that and just argue about the negative consequences of not passing Covid funding. Basically, the Rā€™s have set up a situation where the only way Biden can get something most of the country wants (more $ for Covid treatments) is to swallow a poison pill that will be relatively unpopular w/Dems (especially ones for whom immigration is an important issue).


Yep, itā€™s amazing how they manage to do that almost always and Democrats manage to do that almost never.

Because itā€™s only easy to do it if you donā€™t care about fucking over people


The problem is thatā€™s kind of like saying itā€™s only easy to 4bet if you donā€™t mind risking losing 25bb or whatever. Well, ok, but if the opponent is 3betting every hand, you better fucking 4bet at the very least some value hands.

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IIRC the Dems almost engineered this situation once during the Trump admin, and the media was falling over itself proclaiming Pelosi a formidable DC strategist. For some reason I donā€™t think it even worked lol.

The problem is the republicans never want to meet in the middle. Itā€™d be one thing to straight up trade a liberal policy for a conservative one. Itā€™s never something like voter ID for taxes on the rich, or border security for abortion rights, itā€™s always ā€œPass this extreme conservative only thing like title 42 or weā€™ll stonewall these important bills that have massive bipartisan support.ā€

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Yes, Democrats need to be willing to do that in return. What would they do? Call Democrats communist traitors who hate America and want to replace all the white Christians with transgendered Satanic brown people?

If I recall Pelosi/Schumer I think had negotiated wall $ for DACA protections, something that I could actually get behind, but his own party wasnā€™t going to let that fly. They know the wall is stupid symbolic bullshit and keeping undocumented workers in a state of constant fear and threat of deportation is in their interests.

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The end result of this tactic like Krayz said is people getting fucked over. Something democrats generally try to avoid while republicans either donā€™t care about or actively seek this out.

The poker analogy, which I often make, is that Dems are weak-tight. Playing hardball and being willing to see a few people get fucked over because fewer people get fucked over in the long run is a valid POV. The next step is going from passively allowing people to get fucked over in the short term because of future benefits to actively trying to fuck people over and effectively using them as hostages.