GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Republican Idaho state representative said the following:

“I would rather my 6-year-old grandson start smoking cigarettes tomorrow than get a view of this stuff one time at the public library."

  • Real?
  • Onion?

0 voters

This shit just blows my mind. Like it was rare to see people wear political attire at all, even during the couple weeks before an election, unless they were campaigners/staff. Now these people are putting fucking banners on their cars. They’re nuts. And there are tons of them.

Social media has broken humanity. Good thing we have iron81 here to guard us from Social Media Brain! We’re the real lunatics, not the people driving around in their own personal Lets Go Brandon-mobile!


The fact that it’s a Tesla is what really breaks my brain.

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Must be an Elon Bro.

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Social media just illuminates how humanity was already broken. I lost faith in humanity before there was Facebook or Twitter.

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I really think the reformation and the resulting wars of religion are the best analogy for today.

Printing press and completely unfettered and uncontrolled spread of print matter to those who weren’t used to it. Just madness and conflict everywhere.


From what I’ve heard, USCIS is completely and utterly broken beyond belief.

Trump was chipping away at it, Coronavirus delivered a knockout blow, it’s now insanely understaffed and Biden administration is completely uninterested in doing anything meaningful to help.

God forbid Biden do what it takes to get it performing its basic functions again and be seen as “pro-immigration.”

My girlfriend had a friend who is working here as an au pair, and her mom got a visa to come visit her. Booked her trip, paid for everything, landed in New York, went to go through customs with her valid visa and was essentially told to fuck off and go back home. Had to get right back on a plane and leave, and all that money up in smoke and no visit with her daughter.

USA#1 baby. Fuck this place.

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So we have at least another 500 years of this to look forward to?

Just keep voting blue no matter who, they’ll come to respect our norms and decency in five or six centuries!

How widespread is the baby formula crisis talking point?

Even more depressing than Dem uselessness is that it’s generally supported by the party’s voters. John fucking roberts has a positive approval rating with democrats. It’s truly hopeless


Social media is an accelerant though. It amplifies the worst of humanity (anti science, anti democracy).

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Very, from what I have seen. But it also seems to be a legitimate problem.

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We’re very soon likely to end up in a cold civil war scenario. It is going to be miserable if you live in a red state but I don’t see any other path forward. Blue states will start telling the feds to fuck right off and the ineffectual federal government can’t or won’t do jack shit. The USA is quickly approaching failed state territory.


This woman has been “an educator” in Georgia apparently for many years. She really should read some basic law books. I think she’d find that legal behavior is not a crime if it becomes illegal later. And she’s running for Governor?

Meantime, I’d definitely agree that social media combined with Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have all contributed to an explosion of insane mutants within the Republican Party. She is one.


It’s a real fucking problem. Currently we’re getting breastmilk for our 4 month old, but it’s not going to last much longer.

Meanwhile, in east San Diego County

(the craziness is in the article
well and the proposal, and
ugh, it’s all nuts