GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

There’s no arguing with these people and this will be canon for decades to come.

I’ve got to say arguing with them is the only way to even get the foot in the door to stop it from becoming canon.

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wtf does he have, a custom-made dishwasher or some shit?

A couple months ago, I thought our fridge was about to die (it’s fine, nobody worry, please!) and I did some quick research on new ones. I could pick one up from Home Depot, Best Buy, etc. that day or have it delivered within a few days.

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It’s hopeless. They’re too stupid to understand the causes and they’re too angry to care and they’ve been primed to blame socialism their whole lives.

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I mean you’re never going to convince Matt Schlapp, but Matt Schlapp isn’t interested or care about being convinced, but the public seems to be at least generally informed about what’s causing inflation.

Out of those listed one is directly pointed at Democrats, the American Rescue Plan, while the other even more popular reason, corporations, is a potential opportunity for Democrats to harp on. But overall it seems like people have a good idea of what’s going on.

We’re going to hear a lot of dubious stories with this stuff, just like inflation. Remember the family on CNN that complained about the price of their dozens of gallons of milk consumed each week?

What other choices were they given? Because every Republican would vote Joe Biden if given the option.

It has been intermittently very difficult to get appliances, especially new and nice ones, over the past year. At least that’s my experience as I’m having a house built. Although a year is bullshit obviously.

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This is related to low-flow showers and toilets that Trump rants about?

Schlappy lives in Virginia, the most expensive high-end unit would ship this week if he ordered it today:

But does it match the stove?


I know this is a joke, but this was an actual very real issue for us so I feel seen.


State department way behind on H-2B visas ldo

If there’s any truth to the tweet and it’s not just some good ol’ fashioned grievance grandstanding, I’m guessing his dishwasher that broke is under warranty and they’re telling him they can’t replace it until next year.

I bought a dishwasher last month and had it delivered less than a week later. I was pretty surprised tbh, but yeah the appliance supply chain issues seem to be completely resolved.

There have been shortages on appliances and raw materials during the pandemic. “Socialists have made building thing in America a Green Nightmare” is obviously a nonsense, though politically effective, reasoning for it. I assume it’s also Biden’s fault that the price of used cars is high or PS5s are still not widely available.

Edit: I had to have a part replaced on my shower and the guy doing it kept told me he couldn’t find the parts for months, although I can’t say for sure if he was actively looking. He did eventually get the parts and do the repair although he didn’t ultimately fix the issue we were having.

Wait til he finds out how long its going to take to get higher stilts for his coastal vacation home.


In early discussions about the challenged titles, committee members considered keeping the first several titles on shelves. This list, with discussion, suggests that reviewers utilized Common Sense Media–a non-professional resource–to help guide their conversations about the books. No books were recommended for removal until a thorough review of the latter half of the list could be further evaluated.

The school board elected otherwise and voted to remove all of the books.

“By that time, we’ve traumatized or caused mental destruction to these students,” Vice-chair Tracey Pearson said. “I think it’s too long, and in the process could add lifetime trauma to a child who does not need to be experimenting with something that they have read about. It is very destructive and scary.”

Is kind of funny that this taking the supposedly left wing idea of trauma based reasoning for safe spaces and turbo charging it. It guess it makes more sense for it to be true of high school age kids and under than it would with college students, but still a bit over the top for some of these books.

taken by a friend in Corona, CA. LMAO