GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I haven’t delved into numbers recently, but my recollection is that there’s usually not some sort of huge age gap when it comes to attitudes on abortion.

From Morning Consult:

It’s going to be genuinely hilarious when Hunter Biden voluntarily complies with a subpoena and gets charged by the Garland DOJ


Hope they oppose almost doubles in the 45+ demos.

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Based on the past few decades of polling, I don’t expect abortion to be the killer issue that unlocks voting by younger generations.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Gen Z is close to the ceiling for support of abortion rights and future generations don’t have higher support.

Yeah I’m not talking about that I’m just saying it doesn’t hurt their own turnout cause a lot of their base that religiously turns out either sports bans or is too old to care.



Well shit he’s got us there.

GA SoS GOP Primary. There would be a runoff if no candidate secures a majority:

David Belle Isle - 4%
Jody Hice - 20%
T.J. Hudson - 5%
Brad Raffensperger - 31%
Undecided - 40%

Is this supposed to be clever? What the fuck

Posted this before, but I worked at a talent agency that represented Sorbo before he was successful and his nickname was Sobbing Sorbo because he was so whiny.


Man, the political ads during Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and the local evening news are a cesspool. It’s almost all Trump-backed candidates who either brag about being the most Trumpy or have Trump voiceovers. The next most common are Brian Kemp ads. There are a sprinkling of Dem ads, including the guy who’s running against MTG.

It’s really a fascinating lesson in marketing. And who the audience is for those shows.


Dr Oz pro or con all the time here in PA. Only watch J on dvr. News gets muted on commercials.

The audience for Jeopardy leans conservative? I wouldn’t have guessed that.

It’s more the Wheel of Fortune crowd, but it’s the same hour.

Hardcore J! fans are more liberal. The general audience, the ones who watch both shows, are definitely more right-wing.

You’d think this was from an attack ad, but no, this guy really really wants voters to know this

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This is just some HL Mencken wisdom for 21st century elections. Nobody ever lost an election overestimating the racism of the American public.

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So they do have a sex tape of Cawthorn, they would just be breaking revenge porn laws or maybe child pornography law?

In any case, 100% on the cocaine orgies being true. Add that to Epstein did not kill himself.

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Oh yes he di-id

In a blistering statement released Tuesday morning, Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott said this of President Joe Biden:

“Let’s be honest here. Joe Biden is unwell. He’s unfit for office. He’s incoherent, incapacitated and confused. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He’s incapable of leading and he’s incapable of carrying out his duties. Period. Everyone knows it. No one is willing to say it. But we have to, for the sake of the country. Joe Biden can’t do the job.”