GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Someone else needs to be in charge of photo framing and garage cleaning.


The Libs of TikTok story seems to be example 35743 of how easy it is to become prominent in the conservative movement. If you can stomach it.

Re: birth control, back when I would hate-listen to Joe Rogan semi-frequently several years ago I recall that at one point he started to routinely bring up how terrible birth control pills were for women, how it caused major changes in them, “do we really understand the consequences?” etc etc etc. I have no predictions for how it all plays out legislatively but it’s absolutely true that guys wanting to have sex without condoms will be the limiting factor, and a lack of serious religious objections wont make much of a difference for how various products are looked upon.

There has got to be more to this ad…turn ons and off’s, You: Uneducated, no driver’s license, developmental disorder OK!, etc.

We have been recently assured that none of these will happen.



I don’t think anyone would assure you about #1. At least not anyone here. Perhaps you could find someone out there in the twitterverse.

I will continue to reassure you on #2 and #3. I’m willing to bet on them if we can come up with mutually agreeable terms.

This isn’t the first time

Over the past 30 years this has happened at multiple points with Disney and LGBT

When the standard GOP line is banning abortion in all cases, you gotta go even further down the road to crazy town to stand out.

Masturbation being illegal will probably get announced by some no name Alabama state representative candidate next week.

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There will be a state that passes something very aggressive re:birth control and it will be found not valid.

The odds of total crazies having a state trifecta is too high. The voting/districting game is too rigged. They kept pushing abortion restrictions even when it was hopeless for them. Until it wasn’t.

That may be, but I can assure you that’s what is in those two specific tweets will not happen. There will not be a national ban on condoms nor will Blackburn get a federal law to pass that bans birth control to anyone who isn’t married.

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It’s in the Bible! So there’s a chance.

The Arizona guy said Griswold was wrongly decided by also that he opposes banning contraceptives. However he’d only confirm a justice who acknowledged that Griswold was wrong.

So the condom thing is a bit of a stretch. But if it gets people fired up, it’s good messaging.

The higher level thinkers on the conservative side don’t really care about condoms but want to remove Griswold as a precedent used to justify Lawrence v Texas. Obviously, there are Republicans who are crazy enough to want to ban contraception, but the intellectual part of the movement wants to have a judicial philosophy that’s at least somewhat internally consistent.

Don’t worry about it. They will never act on it because of the potential for backlash.


Plenty of them legit want to ban birth control because they think it’s abortion, or ban it pre-marriage as a tool to scare people out of pre-marital sex because they think it’s a sin.

They think separation of church and state means no interfering with anything Christians ever want to do, including theocracy, but also it means keep the Muslims away.

Republicans primaries are won by like the most extreme 15% of voters in a given state or district. Disproportionate power is given to the rural areas. What do you think the actual views are of the most extreme 15% of conservatives in the rural Deep South? They’re the ones in charge.

I think they can get away with taking extreme positions on abortion and birth control because even though the non-religious parts of their base may not agree with those positions it’s not something that’s really going to impact their vote. So there’s little risk to trying to appease them. Like 70% of the country supports abortion rights, so clearly a lot of republican voters do to, but for a lot of them it’s just not an issue that’s going to impact their vote.

Right because they’re too old for it to matter.

Didn’t somebody post somewhere on this board recently that Gen Z is pretty much 50/50 GOP/Dem?

I think so, yeah. But I doubt that’s the Gen Z split on abortion.