GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Parody and serious mental illness have become extremely blurred in today’s society

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Your pony’s pony was hit in the head with a flower pot


Was it her?

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No. I’ve watched a lot of spelling bees and that girl was the oddest I can remember. Honestly, the more recent ones have all seemed fairly normal on camera. I imagine growing up around social media probably makes kids a little more aware of how they come off on camera. Or at least their parents are more cognizant and advise them accordingly.

We had a guy want to join our fraternity who was homeschooled and had puritanical values similar to what you’d see from and LDS member. We were surprised he wanted to join seeing we were mostly drunken rednecks, but weren’t in a position to turn away someone who wanted to join. After 1 year he was one of our biggest foul mouthed drunks. In year 2 he came out of the closet. It was a pretty awesome transformation to watch. He became very effective at meeting girls and getting them to come to our parties, a highly valued trait in an 80%+ male engineering school.

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oh … it really is a thing …


just embarrassing :joy:

Humans were a mistake



And Vianney, and CBC, and SLU, and some others I might be forgetting.

I just remember Chimanade from a set of twins I was friends with in junior high. Didn’t realize there were so many male only catholic high schools.

They might be more integrated now. This was a long long time ago.

I went to an all-male Catholic high school.

So many of the guys at my college went to all-male Catholic high schools that we had a nickname for them [“JABPSers”, which stood for Jesuit All-Boys Prep School]

I went to a Jesuit high school.

It was a strong influence on my attitudes towards rich people.

In most Republican minds democrats are worse than murderers, so I fully expect this guy to win

He may have murdered someone but did he ever call you a racist? Think about it.


Will be every red state