GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

The key takeaway from the Lewinsky affair is that no one sincerely cares who’s fucking who in the world of politics, it’s all performative outrage that can blow up in your face. The gay angle is a spicy new twist, but in 2022, no one really cares about that either. Maybe getting caught molesting children will damage a candidate, but Roy Moore proves that Republicans will still vote for a guy like that.

This should be true in theory, but the overwhelming majority of toxic masculinity / homophobia is in the Republican party so a clown like Madison Cawthorne can genuinely lose political support for any act that is perceived as insufficiently masculine. This is a guy who published a video of himself punching trees because he thought it made him look tough. He’s trying very hard to project a tough guy image for a reason, and in Deplorable World being gay equates to not being tough because they are idiots.

But none of the videos are gay. It’s just dude bro frat stuff. Hell doing homoerotic stuff to your friends against their will is considered alpha male masculine.

The new thrusting video seems kinda gay.



Yeah but I’m talking about the minds of Republican deplorables. They don’t live in reality so it doesn’t matter if it’s Really Gay. It only matters if it is For Some Reason Perceived As Not Masculine.

Punching trees isn’t Actually Masculine either but he tried it anyway.

House Bill 813, also known as the “Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022,” would not only makes abortion a homicide, it would make it a homicide “from the moment of fertilization.” The fertilized cluster of cells, the bill states, would be afforded all the protections of a human being.

this is what i was referencing in the other thread.

This would make treating ectopic pregnancies murder.

It also makes ivf pretty untenable as well.

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So are all pregnancies going to count for purposes of censuses, child tax credits, citizenship for foreigners who conceive on American soil or do these so called protections only carry over to controlling women’s bodies?


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It seems like a slippery slope from that to, “Why should we have to give free education to poor people who don’t pay any/their fair share of taxes? This costs us a ton of money!”

Which eventually could/would lead to no public primary education at all.

Well, she also had the kids draw pictures representing their own gender and sexual orientation, which she then put on the door of the classroom.

Sounds to me kind of like she was trying to get fired for it so she could sue and challenge the law.

Shit. I should really start reading the articles.

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I had a high gym coach, who looking back on it, was pretty good natured about high school kids making fun of him for practicing karate. Wed ask him to show us the various disarming techniques and then we’d goad him with “what if the guy’s coming at you with a gun and he stays out of grappling range?”

And he’d reply, matter of factly, "well then I’d die " and then go back to doing whatever he was doing.

I bet high school us would have had Hannity just making up stuff left and right

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Well if it’s a consensual sex tape, shrugged off is probably the correct response.

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Tap it rack it four over three isn’t made up?

Sometimes I listen to Hannity on the drive home, and he often mentions that he does karate and the mental image of grown-ass Hannity doing karate is hilarious.
