GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I’m assuming these are all related

ETA: ah, yes, I see the previous posts itt now

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This has to be more than payback for the orgy comments. I’m guessing the backstory here is a lot more interesting than whatever dumb shit Mads did on video.

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Will Madison Cawthorn be alive at the end of the year?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If Madison actually is caught having sex with a dude, a lot of Democrats are going to tell on themselves in an extremely disappointing fashion.


I don’t know why, but I wondered this tonight too.

They were just partying

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Too bad Jim Jordan couldn’t be there to watch.

I mean I can see this playing out like the Lady G incident where Resistance Dems fell all over themselves making problematic gay jokes.

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That so Katie Hill era thinking.

My vote was aspirational.

“Haha he’s a closeted gay” obviously is problematic, but the “he’s a closeted gay bc he’s a republican chasing political clout to enact far right policies” should absolutely be made fun of imo.

Never underestimate how seriously the GOP takes their cocaine filled orgies

Yep - exactly what I was thinking.

Meanwhile at the Pennsylvania Senatorial Primary debate they’re asking the real hard hitting questions:



Next questions in the debate:

  • Should the FDA approve Bleach as a COVID treatment?
  • Do you support painting Chinese flags on US planes to bomb Russia?
  • Should Americans be required to stare at the sun during an eclipse?
  • Did you know healthcare was so complicated?
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Maddow or Chris Hayes did a segment on this. Cawthorn ran against the right hand guy of the leading GOP donor in NC in a seat that had been reserved for him.

They probably paid off a former friend of Cawthorn who wasn’t given a staff job or otherwise fell out with him.

I think the “orgy and cocaine” comment was a pre-emptive strike in anticipation of what was coming. Fighting fire with fire as it were.

It is extremely difficult to walk the line between “I’m laughing at him because he’s gay” and “I’m laughing at him because he’s hypocritical about being gay,” and frankly I think a lot of people are using that as a cover to bash people for being gay. And frankly, no one really cares about hypocrisy any more than they care about him being gay. JD Vance just won despite doing a complete 180 on Trump.

And of course the worst case scenario is Republicans adopt Cawthorn as their token gay conservative and go after Dems for bashing him. It’s the old “look who the real racists are!” play.

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