GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

An of course it’s all about the grift:

“Its your money, not the government’s!”

The future generation of tax cheats starts here.



Let 'em cheat in their half of a partitioned country.

Got the Trump book and some V-Bucks. His kid is having a good day.

This is not right! :angry: Propaganda should be free!

Idiocracy was a time traveling documentary.


This seems completely focused on inconsequential gaffes and misses the point that JD ran on a rabidly racist, anti-immigrant campaign and it paid off.

“Divided we fall, we need to finish the wall.”

I wall’s purpose is to divi…never mind.


i’m a bit surprised they colored his last name like that, the visual ‘jewski’ is so obvious, like it had to be … intentional?

Not saying it’s wrong. But any theory like this also needs to explain why lots of other equally wealthy countries are not going the same path, or at least as far down it.

Lots of american thoughts tries to explain america in a complete vacuum.

I think in general it’s used to explain the break up and polarization of left wing parties by education across the western world. Low income/ low education people clung to left wing parties because they had a vested interest in the left wing material equalization angle but as incomes have rose, they’re able to be pulled right by identity culture war stuff because their material conditions aren’t as dire.

I saw Storr mention it as one reason why Democrats need to focus more on kitchen table issues, because by raising the salience of culture war stuff low income white people get peeled off and they’re distributed efficiently in the US.

Taking the 30,000 ft view it’s a bit like the cyclical view that eventually right wing cultural stuff allows the right wing economic stuff in, the right wing economic stuff immiserates the poor which then swing back to the left as their material conditions begin to matter more and the boat tips the other way.

I don’t know how plausible it really is because I haven’t seen any in-depth stuff to confirm or refute it.

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lol k

I don’t think he knows what blackmail is.


A black male is probably what’s in the next video to drop.


I feel like dude bro frat guys are especially weak to this. AOC came up in this age and all that dropped was her dancing on a rooftop.

Only a matter of time until a sex tape drops and it gets shrugged off though

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So much this. Everyone I knew would be immediately disqualified from running for office.

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The idea that a sex tape would immediately disqualify a politico seems very old-fashioned.

boys will be boys sounds really weird coming from the youngest moc