GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Thank you, NYT, for breaking this story that Tucker Carlson is super racist, incredible investigative work there.


Just pay Rupar and Acyn the combined salaries of the NYT journalists who broke this incredible story.

Why in the name of fucking everything is this megachurch not being taxed on every penny that passes through it?

“Im not gonna read it because there are children in the pews, but trust me, its pornographic beyond belief”



It really would be fantastic if Mandel’s middle initial was D and then he decided to run with that video and claim Trump changed his mind and that he had Trump’s endorsement. What’s Trump gonna do? Acknowledge that he made a mistake? That’s not the Florida Man way.

Man I don’t know about this guy running again in 2 years.

Look who he’ll be running against, and look what most of the country thinks about his mental decline. Trump meanwhile is obviously still sharp, he is a billionaire who runs a massive successful job creating business!

Tonight’s interwebs WINNAR.


It’s going to get bad. This is him rested and on all the cognitive drugs.

I’ve decided to endorse…go ahead and write this down…J.R. Ewing to be the next Senator from the great sate of Texas. Or Ohio. Or whatever state we were talking about.

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Bah, not actually Josh Mandel. Worse, this caused me to view Josh Mandel’s actual twitter.

A team of jobbers ready to backstab their supporters in return for a cabinet position, and prob Bernie again, so it’s Bernie versus 8 people all working together against him

Edit: oh okay you meant in the general. It’s just snakes all the way down

That was the point (not you looking at the real assholes Twitter).

The creation of a board, announced last week, has turned into a partisan fight over disinformation itself — and what role, if any, the government should have in policing false, at times toxic, and even violent content online.

Within hours of the announcement, Republican lawmakers began railing against the board as Orwellian, accusing the Biden administration of creating a “Ministry of Truth” to police people’s thoughts. Two professors writing an opinion column in The Wall Street Journal noted that the abbreviation for the new Disinformation Governance Board was only “one letter off from K.G.B.,” the Soviet Union’s security service.

Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, has found himself on the defensive. In a television interview on CNN on Sunday, he insisted that the new board was a small group, that it had no operational authority or capability and that it would not spy on Americans.

“We in the Department of Homeland Security don’t monitor American citizens,” he said.

Mr. Mayorkas’s reassurance did little to quell the furor, underscoring how partisan the debate over disinformation has become. Facing a round of questions about the board on Monday, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, said it represented a continuation of work that the department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency had begun in 2020, under the previous administration.

republicans prez candidate for the last two and the next election has himself a privately owned social media site called TRUTH, but it is the democrats who are allegedly creating a ministry of truth, by way of a KGB-like checks notes advisory board.

The political scientist Ronald Inglehart famously wrote that as societies get richer, voters care less about economic (material) issues and more about social and cultural (post-material) issues. With rising material well-being, we climb Maslow’s hierarchy to the top of the pyramid, get woozy with altitude sickness, and start ranting at each other about language. This is how we get Florida setting its economic and tax policy by first looking at which companies are saying the right words.

Who is allowed to say what? In the post-material future coming into focus, this is the only political question that matters. It is certainly the question that matters in the Disney-DeSantis showdown. “I am the most free-market person on the right … I think more freedoms for businesses are good,” the conservative personality Ben Shapiro said recently on his popular podcast, about the Florida fracas. “However,” he said to Disney, “if you decide to just become a woke corporation that does the bidding of your Democratic taskmasters, don’t be surprised if you get clocked by a legislative two-by-four. Eff around and find out.”

What a refreshingly blunt statement: Freedom of speech is good, but my political enemy’s speech is punishable by law. This is right-wing economic policy for a post-material age: Conservative companies are allowed to talk, and leftist employees are invited to listen.

Years ago, Republicans were critical of college-campus Democrats for their embrace of “safe spaces.” But maybe the right wasn’t contemptuous of safe spaces, just envious. Why merely a safe room, or a safe campus? Mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bit bigger, darling. Why not an ideologically safety-proofed corporation ? Or state? Why not fire the entire federal bureaucracy, as Ohio’s Senate candidate J. D. Vance proposed, and make the government a safe space for right-wing populism?

You might think I’ve strayed from the crux of the Disney-DeSantis mess. But I think we’re at the heart of it. The specific events of this political crisis are less important than the moral of the story. Who is allowed to say what? Disney effed around and found out for itself: Post-materialism rules everything around us.


This rings true. I think it’s one reason Ukraine resonates so much with me. They’re just trying to get to the base of our pyramid, the one we cynically take for granted as a birthright.