GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I’m not even sure how this is bad for Disney? Taxpayers will now be paying for their police firefighters, etc.


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LOL waited for him to lie then posted receipts

Not that it will matter

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Also while it’s obviously annoying these assholes sat on this for a year, just LOL thinking releasing it at the time would have mattered. There were like 12 hours where some Republicans would have voted to nuke him.

we got him

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They should have sat on it a bit longer to maximize its electoral impact by releasing it closer to the general election, one might argue.

Honestly the gut feeling I’ve gotten for the last year plus is that mccarthy will not be speaker and this kind of thing backs that up. Gym I guess? lol.

It cracks me up that democrats and the media are hopeful for an adult to take control. McCarthy is one of the least insane GOP House members! And he’s a complete fucking moron.


So what happened between McCarthy saying that and his next conversation with Cheatler?

Oh wait, he lied? Well that puts a whole different light on it!

He was talking to Liz Cheney. It doesn’t really count as a lie if the person you’re talking to is only a woman.

I dont understand what is happening to Kamala in that picture. Why did he draw her in a way that she is now presenting to the entire audience?

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Unfortunately those districts are majority Dem, so DeSantis and company may be extra thrilled to fuck them financially.

Also a huge huge huge LOL if Disney can run up debt in Reedy Creek and hand it off when this changes over. Like they might have accidentally given Disney a blank check for over a year.

I lived in Orlando for more than two decades, on the east side of town. Disney is in the southwest part of Orange County. I rarely needed to venture to the touristy part of town. Yet we had massive traffic in parts of Orlando that are nowhere near Disney. I guess my point is that there are hundreds of thousands of people who live in the same county as Disney and will see their taxes rise greatly even though they rarely even go to Disney territory and will get absolutely nothing out of their extra tax burden. And there will be proportionately less money I’d assume for road expansion and other services that residents of those areas really need.

John Avlon on CNN is smirking like a fucking motherfucker this morning with extreme WE GOT HIM vibes reporting on MCCARTHY LIED, what a fucking moron

Yes because clearly that’s wrong it’s


@narrator, shut up.

Lol, maybe it is a colonoscopy. Law Twitter not happy with some of the questions giving her wiggle room though.