GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Holy cow, I mean I knew fundamentally that Marjorie Taylor Greene was a dummy, but wow. Just observing her trying to comprehend and answer questions is truly remarkable.

ā€œThink of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€

George Carlin

ā€œI havent said thatā€ sounds like perjury to me. Off to the gulag please.

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Yeah usually when people talk about a politician being stupid, Iā€™m always like ok letā€™s pump the brakes and remember how many legit stupid people there are. MTG is the exception.

What is this from? This isnā€™t the Jan 6th commission, is it?

No, itā€™s a hearing in a Georgia court. People are trying to keep her from running again based on her being an insurrectionist.

The challenge to Greeneā€™s candidacy was mounted by a group of five voters from her congressional district who argued she is ineligible to run for federal office under a provision of the 14th Amendment that was ratified after the Civil War and meant to keep former Confederate officers and officials from holding public office again. Section 3 of the amendment states that ā€œno person shall be a senator or representative in Congressā€ or ā€œhold any office, civil or militaryā€ if they, after having taken an oath to support the Constitution, ā€œengaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.ā€

The administrative judge in Greeneā€™s case, Charles Beaudrot, will make a recommendation to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger about Greeneā€™s candidacy, and it will be up to him to decide whether to remove her from the ballot. Raffensperger is also up this year for reelection.

woah, woah, woah Gomert and Gosar and Boebert so thatā€™s 4 off the top of my head. So those are just high profile dummies. Out of 200.

Remember when it looked like something might actually happen to Gaetz

Lol law


Itā€™s crazy that it could come down to a decision by Raffensperger.

If it does, does he

  • Allow her to run
  • Disallow her candidacy
  • Punt
0 voters

Nope. A few people here thought I was crazy for saying nothing would happen to him.

Nothing is going to happen to MTG either.

Need a definition on ā€œpuntā€, but thereā€™s no fucking way he disallows the candidacy.

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Yeah I donā€™t know, just a placeholder for ā€œotherā€. Maybe he recuses himself, if thatā€™s possible?

Probably fit for the LOL LAW thread, but we have a cool cheat code where you can just say ā€œI donā€™t rememberā€ and ā€œI feared for my lifeā€ and you immune yourself from all consequences from your actions.


if that had a chance of standing in court, it could solve some problems and also open the door to gop kicking out many left wingers based on some made up crt shit.

Questioner did fuck up that line of questioning, not that it matters. Shouldnā€™t have asked if she though Pelosi was a traitor. Just ask if she has said Pelosi was a traitor. When she denies it, then you say are these not your words? With the exhibit showing. No need to ask what she thinks, gives her a chance to cover.


Isnā€™t he dreamy??!!


Something may happen. Likely either whip or maybe speaker.


Yeah people in the room literally cheering and clapping for her. Sheā€™s a legit moron superstar.