GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


obviously herman cain creepy smile is legendary but i forgot what the actual commercial was like, love it


Poor Candace Owens didn’t get included :sob:

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Yes this seems more likely.

I am not sure that’s the case. The severe historical bias against transgendered people crowded them out of a lot of social networks, including health care. My instincts are that transgendered people would face disproportionate barriers to accessing health care, including mental health care, because they generally face disproportionate barriers to pretty much everything.

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Half the population could suddenly start wanting to identify as different than their assigned gender and honestly IDGAF. Yeah maybe there’s a place for a social science research paper on why or whatever but the important thing is that it’s not treated like some problem that needs to be fixed.


Considering the thread title, it seems Republicans aren’t receiving enough mental health care.

I thought that was a really good post. Maybe it can go in the trans thread.

TIL Ben Shapiro is a black man. Did not see this coming.

Never seen him sing WAP I guess.


If we as a society are so fucking concerned about low birth rates, we should try paid family leave for both parents, free health care, and state subsidies for child care rather than criminalizing abortion and non-breeder sexual preferences. But of course, it’s not about promoting child bearing. It’s about punishing icky people.


Also we could try not being dicks to migrants and refugees.

But as you said, not the point.


The guy doing the talking reminds me a ton of Charlie’s Uncle with the fake hands from Its Always Sunny

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Forgot to put a living wage on that list. That matters, too. Too poor for kids is a real thing.

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How about $5k yearly credit per child up to 4. Wasn’t that popular with the right wing like a decade or two ago?

I’m kinda on board with Yglesias’ 1 billion Americans.

If we let in 10x and many immigrants and gave big child credits, the US would grow a lot over the next 40 years. Don’t we want a bigger, badder 'Murica?

We could call it “rebuild the heartland”. The closer you settle to Kansas, the bigger the credit you receive.

My idea for 1 billion Americans is to conquer all of North and South America, then move almost everyone north of the Panama Canal and turn SA into a giant nature preserve.

Your plan results in too many non-white Americans, tho.

Just put all of the in the same congressional districts. Need more than 1, so how about 1 per red state.

Oh wait, we already do that.

Not that it wasn’t completely obvious, but evidence that the bizarre Florida math book rejection for CRT is total bullshit:


Shocking that the asshole who says this

"You know, math is about getting the right answer and we want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. "

doesn’t know jack shit about anything.