GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Talk about GOP insanity. I know “conservatism is a mental illness” or the like has been bandied about - this is definitely evidence:


Anything less than the best is a felony


On a similar note there are apparently plans to have a Kid Rock concert tour this year to “counter” Taylor Swift. lol

Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight.

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More like a pebble to a bazooka fight


It’s going to be a depressing year due to many missed opportunities for a meteor to hit Earth.

If the new Civil War movie doesn’t have a line like “Never bring a bazooka to a drone fight” in there somewhere, they’re missing out.

Another “mission accomplished” moment: Harvard Prez out!

(I’m gonna give President Gay the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t plagarize her resignation speech.)

I have been all over but I can’t help feeling stuck
Something in my bloodline or something in my gut
Says go to California in a rusted pickup truck
That’s all American made

1987 and I didn’t know it then
Reagan was selling weapons to the leaders of Iran
And it won’t be the first time and, baby, it won’t be the end
They were all American made

But I was just a child unaware of the effects
Raised on sports and Jesus and all the usual suspects
So tell me, Mr. Petty, what do you think will happen next
That’s all American made

I wonder if the President gets much sleep at night
And if the folks on welfare are making it alright
I’m dreaming of that highway that stretches out of sight
And it’s all American made

Anderson Cooper?

Reporting from Glendale, California: I had gotten this wrong - alt-right fascist Proud Boy Jordan Henry previously failed in his bid for city council, but is now running for school board. School board elections are done by district while city council is at-large, so he’s got a better chance in this one, as he’s running in the most conservative area by far.

This guy is one of the biggest driving factors behind the violence at our school board meetings, now he has a shot to be on the actual school board. Finally, the universe found the thing that gets my feet on the ground in a political sense - I start door-to-door canvassing for the good guy this weekend:


Get his ass, LFS

Rot, motherfucker


She can’t even do a proper Vulcan salute.

Spock Shock GIF - Spock Shock Brow Raise GIFs


Star trek? With the post-scarcity human society where they don’t even use money anymore?


Star trek? With the klingons whose society is dominated by small number of dynastic families who maintain power by promoting a culture obsessed with war, xenophobia and self-flaggelation? Oh okay


Star trek? With the secret cabal of shapeshifting aliens who produce and export highly addictive drugs to control the people they’ve colonized and to feed their military industrial complex? Alright I’m getting it now


Can’t help it if others get the good guys and bad guys mixed up.

Thankfully we have Gul Dukat on Twitter to help us out.

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Texas high school voucher program

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