GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I don’t like the New Hampshire program, but I will note that it is means tested - NH families making over $100k don’t qualify for it (it used to be lower). It works out to a little over $5k per year per student. It’s still a boondoggle and we’d be better off investing in the public schools.

Thankfully, NH is one of the least religious states in the nation, there would likely be higher use of it in other states. It’s 4200 kids this year.


Wayne LaPierre Resigns From N.R.A. With Trial Set to Open

Mr. LaPierre’s resignation came as he faced his gravest challenge yet in over three decades of leading the National Rifle Association: a corruption trial in Manhattan amid a legal showdown with New York’s attorney general.


they already know that, this guy isn’t telling them anything

they’re doing the same thing here in tennessee and they don’t give a fuck here either


bill lee is the type of republican that biden and pelosi dream about, he just wants to ship a bunch of money to rich cronies, honestly I can’t figure out how he managed to get elected here in MAGA country

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When we reach the sea, we will build a bigger ship, and sail north to take Trinidad from the Spanish crown. From there we’ll sail on and take Mexico from Cortés. What great treachery that will be! Then all of New Spain will be ours, and we’ll produce history as others produce plays. I, the Wrath of God, will marry my own daughter and with her I will found the purest dynasty the world has ever seen. Together, we shall rule this entire continent. We shall endure. I am the Wrath of God! Who else is with me?


Zankou ftw. Had it a couple of nights ago.

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Wow. I am not sure I ever knew what the word was before Chicken when he sings Zankou Chicken. I just posted it because of the prominent Glendale reference

I just went to their Wikipedia page and learned so much about the chain and family. I guess the food must just be THAT good that it survived such tragedy among the proprietors

The pop culture references listed on the page are off the hook. Can’t believe I never heard of it. Although I guess to be fair, for stuff like Curb Your Enthusiasm they didn’t use the real name


I’m not 100% sure that reference is correct, there actually is a Palestinian chicken place on the Westside so I’ve always assumed that’s what Curb was referring to/inspired by. Also, Zankou is Lebanese/Armenian.

But still yeah the chicken is great. The wiki mentions their garlic spread which is the bomb. For a short time they switched to a packaged version of the garlic spread and people went nuts so they switched back.

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Did this today, and it felt great to feel like I was actually doing something. Highly recommend.


I’m so proud of you :smiley:

Seriously, I know a lot of people are scared of canvassing, but it’s really the best of all the volunteer options. People are much less likely to be dicks to your face. On the phone or via text, they are so much more likely to be assholes.


Thank you!

It also helped pierce the bubble of negativity in which I usually reside. I spoke to multiple wealthy-ish white boomers who were like “man I don’t like that nazi guy at all” (paraphrasing). From appearances I’d be likely to guess they were not on our side. I tend to forget that 50-ish percent of people are pretty good, all things considered :harold:

And yeah it was super easy. There are people who are just like “fuck off” before they even know why you’re there, and that’s fine. But way more people than I expected totally engaged with us, it was great.


Any thoughts on young black people canvassing?

If I were one (under 40 black male), I think I’d pass. Maybe I’m crazy, but I’d honestly think my chance of getting shot was too high.

I can’t recall how many stories I have heard about that sort of thing, but it is too many.

While I can definitely not speak to the experience of being black in a predominately white neighborhood, my personal opinion is that it would not be a safety issue where I was. But I’m sure it’s much easier for me, a 50 year old white guy who looks like a cop, and that is a privilege I intend to exploit.

You’re not wrong. A good field organizer will take care to send the right people to the right places. e.g. Spanish-speakers to the Latino neighborhoods. I try to avoid sending young black males to the country towns alone. It sucks, but it’s the reality, and there are places in my district where I know they would not be safe. However, there are other places where I know they would be just fine. This is the reason I much prefer to have campaign staff who live/work in the districts they’re working in.

Another tactic is pairing them up with a white or asian woman to canvass with them. This also works because a lot of younger women are hesitant to canvass alone.

I’ve found that the people who get the best results are women, because people are generally less afraid to open their door to them.

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The Colorado Republican responded to the incident in a statement provided to CNN saying, “This is a sad situation for all that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving. I didn’t punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options.”


This is an outrage! How are our youngsters ever going to learn that chickenfucker means not just one that conducts intercourse with domestic yard-fowl, but is also slang for a bald man?