GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

The most troubling part is the headline uses the word “transitions.” They want the reader to get the impression the school did (bottom) surgery on a child (which they cannot even do) without the mom’s consent.

If you know anything whatsoever about trans issues, you know the headline must be inflammatory nonsense. Surprised anyone took it seriously.

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Aside from half the fucking country.

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Hard hitting journalism

Nature’s metaphorical justice division getting a lot less subtle these days


MAGA stepmom would watch that while she smokes and say “Jee. Zuzz. Christ.” It’s her signature response when Fox hits the rage G-spot. YouTube has been feeding me Epoch Times ads recently and I got a super fucked up anti trans production along the same lines last night that she would fall for 100%. My son kills her with kindness, but I have to suppress the urge to throw her off the balcony.


Is that the “detransitioning movie” where a teacher basically forces a kid into surgery?

My brother been stanning for Ken Paxton on twitterx


Yeah I originally posted the daily wire headline with an air incredulity. I found it hard to believe on its own.

Its a little scary how into the Epoch times these people are. Its run by a literal, definitional cult.

Theyre stanning for a goddamn cult. Whats next, “We get our world news from the fucking Branch Davidians?”

Yea saw that YouTube ad too, not great

Heard all about impending COVID lockdowns and muzzling kids with masks in schools and killing more professions with vax work requirements at a family fantasy football draft with the in laws last night. You love to see it.

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As I understand the case, the SCt basically mischaracterized the facts and case record to reach the outcome it wanted.


This is correct.


From the article above,

"As for what’s next for Kennedy, he hinted at his next chapter in speaking to the AP last week before his first game back.

“We’ll make some decisions of what’s next in our life, because obviously it’s not going to be football forever,” Kennedy said. “We’d like to do — I don’t know — maybe some ministry or something.”

(But, he was totally not trying to convert anyone or spread a religious message during his post game prayers. No, sir, he was just quietly praying to himself during a quiet moment on the job…)

Also, guess where he lives now:

“Kennedy and his wife also live in Florida now, and he told AP he was staying at a friend’s house during his time on Bremerton’s coaching staff.”


“I believe I can best continue to advocate for constitutional freedom and religious liberty by working from outside the school system so that is what I will do"

Constiutional freedom, fucking barf. The only thing his case did was make a mockery of the constitution

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i think he imagines the outpouring of support he had during the case will translate into a lifetime gig praying. but i don’t think anybody will give a shit about him unless his “ministry” is working different straight jobs and engaging random people in his prayers, hoping they say shit so he can take them to court

If I were him, I’d be trying to get in touch with the folks who produced “Sound of Freedom” and see what they’ll offer me for my life rights…