GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Nah she’s genuinely high on her own supply imo. It is obvious that nobody likes her even in the GOP. The crazies in the freedom carcass kicked her out for gods sake! She can’t even make it work with that soulhalfwit from south CO. She’s down to palling around with Gaetz and that SS dentist from AZ and that crowd of d-listers.

The press and, to an unfortunate degree, the left just like to amplify her bs because she delivers it aplenty like Trump. It’s like they (we) just never learn I reckon.


I love the old make a ton of demands that you know won’t happen and you have no leverage move.

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There are lots of people arguing those things for free.


Probably watched that a dozen times. Still funny.


I only wish I had a better way to embed it so all could easily access its joy

Yeah Elon screwed us but it’s on yt. (Good part is at :36) This is the lady’s channel.


Honestly, it is very hard to tell if there is anything wrong with Mcconnell without knowing what is on the other side of the room. Maybe he caught a glimpse of the Babadook? We just don’t know.


well we all know there’s something wrong with mcconnell

we think it should’ve meant he’s not a senator all along but we can’t tell when everyone else gets to that point

I very occasionally feel light-headed and even start to lose vision or feel like I have to grab onto something but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t look like that.

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Good I’m not alone

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I finally saw Mitch melt down redux. After taking care of my dad and his Alzheimer’s/dementia over a decade I would know that look in his eyes anywhere. Dude is not there.

That a doctor signed off and said it’s maybe due to his concussion or dehydration is so crazy.


Same experience for me. Lights are on, but nobody’s home. Reminded me immediately of my dad.


OK I really think the McConnell thing is awful but this made me laugh so


I talked today to a retired psychiatrist who specialized in the elderly and he seemed pretty certain that McConnell has Alzheimer’s/dementia.

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I had this weird event where I was sitting in a chair and I felt like the room was tipping and I jumped out of my chair and braced myself with an audible “woah”. Kinda weird. i was drunk as hell and also high lol.

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Does it usually present that way though? I’d expect lots of moments of mild public confusion, blanking on people’s names, etc (it’s not as if the press wouldn’t pick up on any little slip-up and amplify it, after all). The total freeze up feels much more like a mini-stroke or seizure or that flavor of neuro issue.

Yeah. I think it’s a mistake to look at these incidents in isolation. Knowing nothing else about the guy, it would seem like dementia is a logical conclusion, and maybe he does have something like that happening, but he’s also been coherent in other appearances. People like Mitch and Trump strike me as people who have literally done no conditioning exercise their entire lives, and old age is just catching up with them. Looks like a pretty quick decline in this case.

Sounds like the vertigo I get every couple of months. Not fun, I walk like a drunk guy when it happens.