GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

You got a nice face there. Be a shame if my leopard got hold of it


Chickens for McNuggets territory


Heā€™s a Muslim!

No, no, heā€™s a nice man


Just like antebellum times!

ETA: Holy shit, got a wage slavez reference in the same post!!

Grenell is one of the biggest pieces of shit in politics, too,

Lol self loathing moron.

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gotta be the only person in the entire country with a shocked pikachu face the republican party doesnā€™t like gay people

or at least the hardest of cores, the rest havenā€™t banned you because they havenā€™t given a shit to get around to it

Sadly there is a very significant proportion of cis gay men who believe the GOP is only after the Ts and Qs, which said gay men also want to eradicate.

I really want to meet some of these fuckers in real life. I only know they exist because of your posts. Still find it hard to wrap my head around.

In other news, Dominicans are racist towards Haitians.


Xenophobia has existed for our entire history.

Racism is also more popular for those who have little going for them.

People want something to feel good about, it helps avoid depression. Those who suffer from depression often try to find things to be sad about while the majority who donā€™t find things to be happy about. Poor people often canā€™t find much to be happy about so they take pride in their race.

edit: poor might be the wrong word, maybe uneducated and / or dumb people who feel inferior.

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Inter-Caribbean racism is absolutely wild.

Citation needed. Rich people have always loved racism


Itā€™s very few poor people you see doing Charlottesville type shit, despite the NYT and peers focusing on profiles of the few living in trailer parks

Itā€™s people who come from money

That is far more understandable to me.

You can have money and not have much going for you. Could be dumber than all your peers and be bad at your job/ most things you do.

Had an extremely racist person I knew in high school whose father was really rich. He took pride in being white because he was dumb, unathletic, and bad at everything.

Politics and forming strong political opinions is a luxury poor people canā€™t afford. Mostly the free time to read about issues.

Americaā€™s finest.

Never seen a RBW quite so wolfy as Melky Cabrera.

Itā€™s what I imagine Ben Shapiro was like in second grade.

Some of the neo-Nazis and fascists I met undercover in 2020 are working as congressional campaign staffers and helping to form congressional caucuses. They are meeting with leaders of far-right political parties in Italy and Hungary. They are leaders in their local Young Republican organizations. They have access to elected GOP officials at the national and local level.

During the riot, Iā€™d heard people blaming antifa, and it didnā€™t take long for former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to suggest that FBI infiltrators were involved. The scapegoating was effective: Almost without fail, the boomer conspiracy theorists who populated QAnon conferences were quick to say January 6 was a peaceful day. But the fascists and those with ties to white nationalist groups were proud of storming the Capitol.

In July 2021, I met Alex Nelson for the first time at a cocktail reception during Turning Point USAā€™s Student Action Summit in Tampa. I was standing in line for a glass of wine when Nelson asked me what my vision for America was. To avoid encouraging people, I was always careful not to be more extreme than the people I met, so I deflected and asked what he wanted for the country.

ā€œUhā€¦ like a friendlier Nazi Germany,ā€ Nelson responded.

I would tell leftists who hate the Democratic establishment to read this and find inspiration for infiltrating the Democratic Party and working from within it.

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She was on the most recent knowledge fight as well. Pretty good episode