GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Now rip his health insurance, do it right at this very moment


I read it as too much water in the dick.


What about the school nurse? Are they just SOL?

Shouldn’t he have immediately gone to the ER rather than coming back like 5 minutes later and finishing the press conference?

Meh, whatever tbh. Grandpa acted weird for 5 minutes and is back to normal is very :man_shrugging: for me in the ER. Usually a massive workup with very little definitive cause

I’m not a big McConnell fan, but I think folks are being too critical. Nobody can be ‘on’ 24 hours a day.


More funding to cut, especially since the nurse is a person who might advise kids to get vaccinated and tell them how their bodies work.

12 hours of blow, 12 hours of flow. That’s how you run a country.

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crapped himself live?

robot who needed a reboot?

medical incident I’m not qualified to figure out?

all sorts of possibilities

well according to the internet and by that I mean the mayoclinic’s website on TIA, a TIA is often called a mini stroke so
also from there

About 1 in 3 people who has a TIA will eventually have a stroke, with about half occurring within a year after the TIA.

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It’s NBZs all the way down

Navarro? No idea who this clown is, but we need a superhero lol

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You would have thought his shell would have protected him.


How quickly we forget ole black hand. He has to have something pretty wrong with him.

Our politicians are going the way of our infrastructure, just slowly crumbling before our eyes.

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He should probably run for president

He’s 81 years old.

Not a geriatric specialist but I think these are the things that happen when you are nearing the end. One or two more falls and we won’t be seeing any more of Mitch.