GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Does Catturd have any platforms that monetize his popularity?

We’ve all thought about how easy it would be to make a career out of being a MAGA grifter. This guy building up the the following he has and not managing to earn a dime from it would be hilarious.


To be fair, Elon is actually paying money to Andrew Tate and some of his favorite replyguys. Cat Turd is just mad he’s not relevant to be on Elon’s list of top-tier asskissers.

Mom’s for Liberty needs to reap what they sow. Fuck these people so hard.


We should start selling cat tùrd merch until we get a cease and desist.


Klanned Karenhood


They really justify the slur in that video. I want them to suffer.

lol episode 8. Ron, you went away for 1 day, and it seemed like 5 days

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Unfortunately I can answer this question, he wrote a book and sells catturd branded goods on his website




I actually went to twitter, and saw that this is real, and I still don’t believe it is real


CT could have finished off the series with ‘my struggle’ and really knocked that mofo out of the park.

They are. But somehow pray for your persecutors and pass no judgment, it corrupts the self. Believe it!

My son is off to college to earn a degree that will allow him to work directly against their interests. He’s got the perfect temperament for it.


Reminds me of Wray? saying the FBI is now getting a great number of applicants. And another cat saying the voluntary military is a direct reflection of the society it represents

The chuds really trying to bring it down on their own prophetic heads, a no longer imagined machinery to deal with a population gone mad

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My dad was off the deep end. Always put the wealthy on a pedestal. My job out of college really chapped his ass. I’d call him from my desk phone and he’d see the caller id and answer in a super annoyed tone every time. It was awesome.


I’m gonna see if my dad can text. We spoke over the phone, but for giggles i’d like to see where he stands on MAGA and the insane orange slob.

He’s of that generation that aren’t glued to their phones, so I’m gonna see if I can finesse some interest out of him.

God willing, I’ll go visit them soon, and I’m not gonna press it too hard, but I think he’s sympathetic to that stupidity about fearing ideas. Which is vain and contrary to basic teaching. And that the left is some threat lol

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