GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

And if you do, don’t fucking come here. I’ll be expansive and include all of Europe in “here”.

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I thought the song was a joke….

I honestly can’t think of another country where American Conservatives would feel more at home than Democrat-led America


They’re free to fear

So many of them just want something to complain about that reality doesn’t matter.

No mention of Russia? :thinking:


That guy seemed really high on Hungary. But I assume that the language issue really precludes feeling “at home”. Setting that aside, seems like a solid place to go.

So he’s going to shoot you for trying to take his gun?

Such a cool thing to be singing by the guy who was performing during the deadliest mass shooting in US history.

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He will probably spit some Beech Nut in your eye first

He’ll shoot you for insulting police, but will shoot police if they are enforcing gun control laws.


I think ive spotted the flaw in this question.

Sundown town. Me and my lil bro are blondish. And we’re both pretty big and peeps obvs

Gonna git in our overalls and go fishin

For real. If America isn’t right wing psycho enough for you you’re fucked.

And fear no man for lack of steel iykwim

It’s never enough. No matter how much the country bends over backwards to accommodate deplorables, they will just keep making up new threats and demanding action. This has been going on since at least the 80s. Reagan turned the country into boomer paradise and they just kept inventing things to be outraged about. It’s even worse now because social media is an accelerant to that fire.

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Seems like a pretty obvious case of projecting their own plans onto Democrats to both normalize and justify their own fascist plans.

Label pulled the song.

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