GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

This is what the left wants!



Most woke folks are highly educated and alcoholics are far more likely to be poorly educated.

Jokeā€™s on you. Iā€™m an alcoholic college dropout

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Kink shamers ITT

Seriously, wtf? From a quick skim it seems heā€™s being roasted because the woman he was seeing was married? How does that have anything to do with him? That seems like a ā€œherā€ decision.

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If the other person knows they are in a relationship and itā€™s cheating, I think they are morally culpable as well.

Why are trans people like this guy allowed to groom me???

I was being sarcastic

  1. What @Krayz said
  2. There are strong implications in the lawsuit that the wife may have felt pressure to start/ continue the relationship because her organization had business in front of the Legislature. If thatā€™s true, Speaker is a scumbag for abusing his position.
  3. Lawsuit also alleges the Speaker had one of his buddies trespass on the husbandā€™s property to install a surveillance camera.

Wife is obviously not innocent, but thereā€™s some room to clown on the speaker as well imo.

Last Glendale Unified School District meeting of the year is tonight. My friend who monitors Proud Boys online groups says the fascists are coming. I know many groups on the left are showing up. Definitely concerned itā€™s going to get nuts.

I have to pick up my younger son from his job(!) around that time, which is just as well I guess.


Be safe! Fortunately my cousins are out of town visiting national parks. I suppose there might be Nazis in Utah, but there camping so hopefully none near them :cry:

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Queen B syndrome

More like Queen QAnon, AMIRITE


There is actually a Canadian lady who has this crown, canā€™t remember her name

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I used to live in Glendale. Shouldnā€™t all non Armenians be excluded?