GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

But do you think they are still this way once their citizenship is secure? I could imagine that their focus will shift and that might not be good for Democrats. The large Turkish population in Germany overwhelmingly voted for Erdogan who has a habit of raging against the LGBTQ community. A lot of the immigrants still hold very traditional values which I dont have a problem with. But I let them live their lives within certain boundaries while converatives tend to force their value system onto others.

Out of curiosity, how did you cross paths?

It’s true some of these groups are naturally very conservative. The GOP however can’t help themselves to keep alienating them.

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Well, their status is secure: Muslim-American neighborhoods like Dearborn and Hamtrack have been around since the 50s. They vote Democratic historically because in the past that’s the party that has supported Midwestern industrial towns.

While a well-off non anglo person may broadly agree with an agenda of low taxes, minimal regulation bootstraps mindset, cutbacks on welfare, strong on crime and immigration policies, race and religion become those “3rd rail issues” that prevent them from identifying with the conservative party.

Now that Ive typed this … That policy cocktail basically sounds like Clinton/Blair, which probably explains a lot.

I know I’m about a week late on this one but I learned about the gay holocaust stuff from the right wing outrage over the purple teletubby. A bit of a Streisand effect on that one.

You should fear day when they realize this and act accordingly.

That’s doing a lot of work imo

Fear the day when the stupid immigrants learn they’ve been being stupid to not vote for fascists?

Or fear the day when the fascists learn to embrace Brown immigrants, the hatred of which is essentially their reason for being?

He made huge inroads with the gays.

I assume they’re deep in the tank for the Indian Yang

Pac 12 might be the strongest conference in CFB history this year and none of you even know it.


Hey I got to see Tom Brady play when I was a student at Michigan, good times, mark my words.

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It’s getting bad. I’ve heard some crazy stuff recently from my sister’s Trumpy in laws who just have gone nuts about this stuff. It was never an issue before. One of her sister in laws was in a relationship with a woman for like 5 years which they supported… and now they’re just so grateful she saw the light and put her satanic ways behind her.

Looking at the Democratic trend isn’t great either. All the groomer BS is working

“Democratic approval also fell from 85% to 79%”

The GOP also unabashedly advances “I hate poor whites” economic policies, but make up for it with cultural grievance accommodation.

The LGBTQ deal is kinda the inverse of that.

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Do they have 12 teams?