GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s also not true, Biden won with Gen xers. Trump only won with Boomers and older.

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Well, you got one. I guess that’s what happens when so many of the people who come here are from a fallen right wing dictatorship.

Based on my very informal sampling of mostly Indian techbros, they are definitely not fans of Nikki Haley.

Also know this boomer, Indian doctor who claims to hate Trump, but I’d be willing to bet heavy that he actually voted for him (claims he voted 3rd party), since he is seems pretty wealthy and grumbles constantly about taxes, affirmative action, and wokeness. He borderline hates Kamala Harris.

The GOP isn’t exactly winning with Hispanics, but it’s doing alarmingly well. And it’s because they’re putting the work in; the Dems are kicking back and hoping demographic shifts will magically break for them while the GOP is actively trying to court working-class Latino voters. Just pure political incompetence; FL is lost, TX turning purple looks like a fantasy. Hispanics kind of look like they’re on a glide path to becoming honorary White People just like the Poles, Italians, Irish, etc. became white.

Very good chance the post-Trump Republican standard-bearer is a MAGA-friendly Latino.


I think many Cubans definitely self-identify as

And in most cases at least the second half of that is clear cut.

And Biden’s border policy is to try to prevent that.

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True. And frankly, a lot of 2nd-3rd generation Latino immigrants are a-OK with it. Plus, “Learn to code” works about as well on this demographic as it did on WV coal miners.

Most indians whom you might meet on blind (or tech in general) came to the US as adults. For a multitude of reasons, the relatively privileged “middle class” in India from which most of these new immigrants hail has veered quite right wing in the past 10-15 years. However, a majority of this cohort aren’t US citizens just yet and thus won’t show up in surveys or voting patterns.

US born/raised Indian Americans and the older, pre tech boom era of immigrants are mostly democrats as surveys and polls show.

The interesting question is what happens when the current generation of Indian immigrants become citizens and vote? I suspect this cohort will lean R and this is something I think Ds should be concerned about atleast in NY and NJ where the percentage of voters and the margins in several state and house districts is narrow.
Probably not an issue in the Bay area or Seattle due to how heavily D those places are.

Sounds a lot like one of my father’s friends from school who is a doctor in Glendale AZ.
He probably was a Clinton voter and likely Obama also. Would likely have gone trump and then grudgingly biden … subtle misogyny would have prevented him from voting for Hillary.

This friend above did that … And also voted for McCain. And loves how “Independent” sinema is.

Nice gloves, Ted.

Cubans are 64% white.

Who do you think these people are going to vote for?

One the one hand Maga people want to get rid of them because they are Muslims on the other hand they share a lot of common views since they are probably equally conservative.

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I know an Indian guy who is unemployed and supported by his doctor wife and is of course a Trump voter who rails against lazy minorities

So what? Indians are a diverse group, shock horror.

Golly I can’t wait for the vigorous debate and smol tiny amount of fun that will surely ensue.

I think the horror part stems from a popular American belief that non-whites are a “natural” and inalienable part of the Democratic voter base.

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Being diverse means that many won’t conform to whatever stereotype you subscribe to, so posts about individuals to illustrate some point are pretty stupid.

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Historically, those communities have been strongly Democratic but also those are Michigan union towns that the Dems have stopped caring about just like in WV.