GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

seems fine, that’s what i do. soy sauce is a fermented food, sometimes with a live culture, that will have a long shelf life as long as you prevent contaminants. a pourer that you use all the time is at a greater chance of contamination than a bigger vessel that you keep closed.

When the kids are home from college we keep it out cos it gets used often. When its just me and the wife we refrigerate as neither of us use it much.

That’s for ketchup. Soy Sauce out always.

I assume this is still normal practice but would be interested to hear from someone familiar with the current day restaurant business.

Yeah but eggs in the us and Europe are treated differently and us eggs would not last as long outside of refrigeration because something they do to help it stay refrigerated longer or something like that. At least that is what tiktok told me.

Or what Pvn said,

Seriously. I am pretty well acquainted with the online conservative cinematic universe and I don’t know wtf this is. If anyone does know, please don’t explain it.

Also wtf is with tweets not previewing. Twitter API problem I guess?


yeah. do not explain it

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Guessing it’s a Biden gaffe.

Every election year right-wing media convinces the derpers that the Dem candidate is a drooling invalid due to senility/stroke/whatever. Then they’re always shocked when a sentient human shows up.

Biden ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed at this point in his life.


He basically said Pacific when he meant Atlantic.


Did he wear a tan suit.

Sarah Palin was asked to explain why Trumpism is not a cult, and she explained why Trumpism is a cult.



This was a good read, very informative.

Do people in the US of Indian origin tend to lean GOP? It seems that way to me anecdotally, but i honestly do not know and have never seen hard numbers. If that is the case, this might help explain it.

The worst community I’ve ever been a part of is blindapp, which is at least half indian tech workers in the US, and they mostly gargle Trump’s balls.

"Indian American voters are overwhelmingly Democratic: 74 percent voted for Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the 2020 presidential race, more than voters of other Asian backgrounds, according to a survey by AAPI Data, APIAVote and Asian Americans Advancing Justice…

In a 2020 study, nearly 60 percent of Indian Americans did say they would be open to voting for an Indian American candidate “regardless of their party affiliation.”

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Really did any group vote for Trump other than white people with a Christian family background? Especially straight white males.


That’s because the older you are in the US, the more likely you are to be white.