GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

He could scuttle the Schiff vs Lee/Porter general election.

Skeevy? Virile! Elno would approve!

The former major leaguer has repeatedly floated the idea of running for U.S. Senate. While a much-admired athlete, Garvey received negative publicity in 1989 when two women said they became pregnant while involved with him. At the time of the report, he was marrying a third woman. He did not dispute the allegations and pledged to take responsibility for any offspring and said his new wife was aware of the situation.

Hairiest forearms in the Senate.

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Making fun of someone’s appearance is never funny.

It literally only says something about you. It’s just an attempt to create an out group.

Oh, making fun of someone’s appearance is very obviously funny sometimes.

For something they can’t control? Bad!

Dude wearing a Yankees shirt and a lakers hat! Very funny, make fun of that person.


Who is bottom left?

Matt walsh

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She wrote a whole fan fiction in her head…


The Aristocrats!


Its missing the incest

Who bailed out Santos?

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I know but I’m afraid if I tell you, they will die

If you can’t live in Idaho, become Idaho

Is “down to 8 votes” intentionally worded stupidly, so that you click through just to find out what the fuck that means?

Well I won’t do it. I won’t click


Apparently it’s been tried before, but the measure lost, by 46 votes. They voted again so now it’s “down to” 8 votes (in favor) :man_shrugging:

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Effort to breakaway wins by 8 votes, meaning a series of actual discussions on it take place. That’s how I read it. Article is interesting.

It is the second time voters in the small county of Wallowa, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and glistening rivers, have weighed in on the issue. In 2020, residents struck down the idea of joining Idaho by 46 votes. This year, it is winning by just eight ballots.

“There are a lot of people in rural Oregon who don’t support this, but they have been beaten down by the conservative perspective,” said Carina Miller, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, about two hours outside Portland.

Miller recently appeared on a panel about rethinking state borders with McCaw, and both said they were surprised by the other’s participation. The two-hour discussion in Portland was heated at times, with McCaw and Miller saying their respective communities are overlooked by state legislators.

“To have the narrative that white communities are not represented and are crying out for advocacy on their behalf while completely disregarding the very effective policies that have been put in place to silence communities of color, to disenfranchise us, to take our rights, is maddening,” Miller said.

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8 people voted in favor? Or it needed 8 more yes votes to pass?

One possibility I thought was that like 6 counties had passed it, so it was down to 8 more elections