GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

My only testing ability is I can identify Coke Zero from Pepsi max no problem.

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I worked for a spin-off from Nutrasweet and can’t stand any of the sweetener substitutes. They were working on something new while I was there and every once in awhile you’d get this super sickly sweet taste in the hallway.

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LOL what the hell did this guy do?


Vision also affects taste


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I don’t see color.


He will be defended by Rusty Shackleford

This is a common rumour but definitely not true. It’s why I did the challenge in the first place. The fact that this rumour can circulate and people are like “sounds about right” instead of “no way they definitely taste like stuff” speaks to how hard they are to distinguish though.

Little bit of Skittles trivia: the purple flavour is grape in the US, but in Europe and Australia it’s blackcurrant.

I always thought they were the same as I shoveled them into my mouth by the handful. But my kid won’t eat the purple ones.




I like this guy but he’s been whiffing lately. Walsh looks fine, and “you dress effeminately!” isn’t a great zinger in 2023.

It works for me when the person in question is someone like Matt Walsh or Andrew Tate or any of these other hurrrr men need to be manly men people.

This one below cracked me up, i don’t know anything about the tweeter but going through his feed was pretty entertaining.


Lol, that top one really does look like Grandpa Joe’s sleeping shirt.

More like the other grandpa actually


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Walsh pushes a very “trad” philosphopy, his wardrobe is aesthetically off in a number of ways (you can read Derek’s oeuvre if you’re really interested in how these modern cuts are disharmonious), and most importantly, he pushes this hypermasculine posturing. Pointing out that his wardrobe is extremely metrosexual is completely fine.


So it’s not effective to make fun of High Heel Ron?

This would be absolutely hilarious. I met Garvey years ago and he is sooooooo creeeeepy. He hit on my co-worker. I guarantee there are hundreds of women out there with Steve Garvey stories.


Sounds like he would have the R nomination locked up (or however that works in California with their jungle primaries).

Biggest forearms in the senate.