GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

More than that. There will absolutely be some progressives who dont vote for this.

True. But I think they’re more likely to vote against it if it’s already dead in the water because of republicans. They might relent if passage relies on them.

In what might be the first successful conservative boycott in a while:

25%? My gut tells me that just can’t be right.

It’s possible but if the numbers are right, it isn’t just because of the “conservative” boycott. LGBT activists were also calling for boycott in some circles after they reversed course in response to the conservative whining so now they’ve pissed off everyone

Massive huge sacrifice to switch from Bud Light to Miller Lite or Coors Light.

Where do they find the courage?




I have a Catholic friend who gave up Corona for Lent. Specifically Corona. Modelo/Tecate/Pacifico all were fine. What a sacrifice!


I’m very surprised to learn that James O’Keefe is a scumbag:

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It kind of is. There is a massive difference between Bud Light and those two pisswaters imo

Even if it’s just a carbonation thing. Which is why High Life GOAT

Compared to Bud Light, Miller Lite tastes like a skunk died in it, and Coors Light tastes completely flat and watered down

I mean as far as I remember. Am I gonna have to go to a meeting now?


Is bet money 95% of regular drinkers of one of the three couldn’t tell the 3 apart in a blind taste test.

It’s like every watery national beer in Latin America - all the same.


I could absolutely tell Lite from the other two, name stakes, but would lose big on the other two between each other

I would have put all my money to do that on coke vs. Pepsi, but I failed the Pepsi challenge.

I picked the shitty less carbonated one I thought was Pepsi, but it was coke. I think they rigged it a bit though.

I think it’s harder than you think of you haven’t been just drinking one.

I feel like they rigged it on you. Coke goes down much harder, especially out of the can or bottle. Pepsi tastes like sugar and syrup. Fountain drinks would be harder though

I did Coke v Pepsi challenge and could tell which was which very very easily just from the smell. Pepsi reeks of vanilla. Coke is more citrus based.

I’ll tell you what was quite hard though, and that was identifying Skittles flavours blindfold. A couple of them are obvious and once you get a sense for them you can do it, but going in not having had Skittles for a while, it is not easy.

Not a beer drinker, but I’ve had Miller Lite and even my unsophisticated tongue can tell it’s bad. Really bad.

The goal of light beer is to be something that you can drink a few of and not get ridiculously drunk while also not being offensive on the taste buds. It’s amazing how Miller Lite fails at that.

My friends did a side by side taste comparison of crappy beers (major American and Mexican brands) during a cabin weekend one year and the main takeaway was that, for the money, Tecate rises above the rest. It wasn’t close.

Bud Light and Coors Light were identical (they literally both taste like carbonated water after you drink a Bud Heavy or whatever before it). I don’t think Miller Lite was in the test, but it’s more similar than different to all the other American beers.

What is with all these right wing grifters and their love of musical theater and just theater in general?

I have seen a report that showed skittles to all be the same flavor, just with different color shells.