GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

That looks like Parkinson’s disease.

Not a doctor, but I think it looks more like Huntington’s, Parkinson’s is usually characterized by jerky movements.

As a disclaimer I’m not making fun of all people dealing with neurological problems, just the anti-Semitic white nationalist ones.

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the desantis et al “people who oppose us are groomers” rhetoric is creating completely predictable outcomes

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The average chomo is still a better person than Desantis.

What if the military says fuck you to the judge?

Man or woman who falls for “new sex ed curriculum teaches fisting to kindergarten students” is a GOAT character in the American political sphere.

I remember 5th grade “human growth and development” where we learned that the man’s sperm fertilizes a woman’s egg and all that but the teacher had to go out of his way to avoid giving any sort of indication as to how the sperm ends up where the egg is in the first place.

This was in the den of sin that is Portland.

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This person is way closer to the median GOP voter than Mitt Romney


Cartoon villain

Came here to post that. This is why we need Ukraine to win. We need to suck the oxygen out of the room these nut jobs live in.

Remember when I said one of things we have going for us is the GOP is nominating a slate of crazy MAGAs in 2022?

WTF? Why would anyone think this is a good thing?

If Riverman said this everyone here would start screaming at him for just getting that guy elected.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, What the fucking fuck?

Thats literal inhuman monster shit. Are monsters fucking real now?

You’re just noticing now?

Saying it to your living breathing daughters is a whoooooooooooooooooooooole nother kettle of fish

He’s got four kids. Three are daughters. I wonder if he told his son the same thing.


I think he’s trying to analogize rape to the 2020 election and then make a statement everyone would disagree with to prove the point that they shouldn’t give up. Ignoring the obvious problems with that logic, he is trivializing and joking about the rape of his children in order to make a political point on some dumb Zoom call. He was so eager to get that out too.

Complete scum.

Edit: The reaction from men on the call makes me think I’m wrong and this is just one of those parenting moments all alt-right dads go through.

This was part of the plot of the recent He Man series that all the incel He Man fans hated because they focused “too much” on the female characters.

Won’t work. If Ukraine actually wins, in the room they live in it will be some weird PROOF that actually the Nazi Clintons are pedophile Pizzagate Bidens!

“Son, if rape is inevitable, just go ahead and do it and maybe you’ll be on the Supreme Court someday!”