GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

“If I was a normal person”


She thinks normal people are dumb and brainwashed tho’. Keep her perspective in mind. So her point is actually ”rational”. :crazy_face:

PS: Ran for Governor and is a district chair for the GOP.

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Lmfao what is she talking about? I can’t remember ever seeing a globe for sale let alone someone pushing globes on me. Wtf

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You’ve never owned a globe???

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If it does turn out that the earth is flat, globes as a conspiracy does make sense.


“Emotional manipulation” lol gotcha so that moment you had there where you tried to garner some sympathy over your daughter who was suicidal for 3 months, that was actually you lying to (wait for it) emotionally manipulate your audience a bit! Because you don’t believe she was suicidal, you believe she was pretending to be suicidal. All so you would approve of this surgical nightmare she wants to go through for reasons you’d have a hard time inventing / explaining.

Uh there’s 0 chance anyone under 40 has ever purchased a globe imo

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Ehhh my ex wife bought at least one

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Daughter’s study desk - purchased a few years ago while I was still under 40.


Are the color choices on that globe as horrendous as they look in this picture?

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan combining with the Caspian. Libya and Egypt almost the same color.


What the fuck sort of chair is that. For a full 10 seconds I thought it was a naked leg.


(((GLOBALISTS!))) in this thread.


How is she supposed to use the laptop with that globe in the way.

It’s a pink faux fur chair - we let her pick out new furniture over the pandemic and decided not to fight her on it.

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Yup - it’s not the most functional globe.

Bothsidesism imo. Globe plus flat map.


There’s a reason they push the globes on you… have you ever tried pushing a flat disk?

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Basketball globe is one of my million dollar ideas.

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Globes make me think of boobies - me, probably


Feels like something you could maybe sell a lot of but is still impossible to patent