GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I don’t know if they have a case but I would like to see the J6ers get in line to sue FOX for megabucks. And Trump, Giuliani, Lindell, et al. too.


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There’s a 10-pair limit? Fuck.


We need to figure out how to get this guy on Fox News.

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Lindell testified at arbitration that he did not share what he had described as his key data to support the foreign intrusion claim during the conference. He held off, he said, after a man seeking a selfie poked him in the side as the symposium was nearing an end — an act that Lindell called an assault and said he took as a signal the government might tamper with his central information if he made it public.



Cant win California, but can absolutely win the country - vote for Larry!

Insanity isn’t a strong enough word to describe the GOP any more. Need a new thread title.


Gotta admit DeSantis’ Thai/thigh test seems woke by comparison.

Wrongthink is truth in labeling at least.


TN House is just a fucking disaster. Rep. Scotty Campbell has now resigned after sexually harassing interns. This article is incredible:

Republicans did not remove the 39-year-old East Tennessee lawmaker from his leadership position nor from his committee assignments.

But taxpayers are paying for his actions.

NewsChannel 5 has learned that potentially thousands of dollars have been spent to protect one victim, relocating her from the downtown apartment building where she and Campbell both had apartments, shipping her furniture back home in another part of the state and placing her in a downtown hotel for the remainder of her internship.

Legislative officials refused to say how much they’ve paid out, saying that information is confidential.

Standard work stuff where tax dollars go to relocate harassment victims, while the harasser continues working with no consequences. Of course the other House Republicans don’t care. And no one can say how much it cost.

Confronted with the allegations Thursday as he headed to Capitol Hill, Campbell referenced a second intern who was also involved in the investigation. NewsChannel 5 was previously unaware of that individual’s complaint.

“I had consensual, adult conversations with two adults off property,” he insisted.

“I think conversations are consensual once that is verbally agreed to. If I choose to talk to any intern in the future, it will be recorded.”

Nice own goal by revealing the a second harassment victim, but he saves it with his totally normal explanation. They actually did do an ethics investigation, but LOL at the limitations around the results. Everything seems to be designed for easy cover-ups:

“Based on the completed staff investigation, the Ethics Subcommittee finds that Representative Campbell violated the Policy” against workplace discrimination and harassment, the memo says.

It goes on to say that “discrimination and harassment in any form will not be tolerated,” concluding that “no further information concerning this complaint will be released.”

Under the Tennessee General Assembly’s own rules, however, quietly placing that vaguely worded memo in a representative’s personnel file is the only action that the ethics subcommittee can take upon a finding that he has engaged in improper conduct.

Ethics subcommittee members are also barred from publicly discussing their proceedings.

So nothing happens beyond a quietly filed letter, great. Later in the article there are excerpts from an email from one of the victims describing some of the harassment:

For example, after seeing her and another 19-year-old female intern entering her apartment at the nearby Capitol Towers, the woman describes how Campbell later “made comments about how … he was in his apartment imagining that we were performing sexual acts on one another and how it drove him crazy knowing that was happening so close to him.”

“I uncomfortably explained that that was not happening,” she recounts, "and he insisted that he knew it was and asked me to tell him about it.

“I explained that she is my friend, and he proceeded to describe how sexually attractive he finds her,” referring to the 19-year-old intern.

There’s more in the article. WTF is with the TN House?


What’s “Ice Cream” mean?

This seems somewhat pedantic.

The important part of the story is Lindell made a $5mm bet on his dumbass theory. Lost. Refused to pay. And has been ordered to pay. LAW GOAT.

This may have been posted upthread/slow pony, but the TN House Speaker lives in Nashville - his kid goes to school there - but he claims he’s from another town so he can collect the $313 per diem that is given to Reps that live outside of Nashville and need to stay there over night.

Under Tennessee law, during the legislative session, all members receive a per diem expense “for meals and incidentals equal to the allowance granted federal employees for such expenses in the Nashville area.” In 2022, that was around $79 per day. But members who live more than 50 miles outside of Nashville are entitled to a much larger per diem, $313 in 2022, to cover the cost of lodging in Nashville. These per diems are also available when the legislature is out of session if a member has to travel to Nashville to conduct official business.

Sexton has taken the larger per diem, which is pegged to the cost of a hotel room in Nashville. On the form, Sexton claims a roundtrip commute of 236 miles. During the 2022 legislative session alone, he billed taxpayers $19,093.

He also billed taxpayers another $16,276 for travel to Nashville when the legislature was not in session, for a total of $35,369 in 2022. This money is listed as “non-taxable” because it is supposed to reimburse members of the legislature for actual expenses incurred.

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I hadn’t heard of this before but it’s further confirmation Meatball Ron is a total dumbass.

He tho thilly.

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Texas Senate is doing work on both K-12 and higher education.

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Reminds me of a stupid joke about a guy propositioning women randomly and he gets his face slapped 99/100 times, but that 100th is a doozy. Treat a woman like shit and if she comes back you have a doormat to abuse until you find something better. Seems like this tactic would be in Meatball’s wheelhouse. Tiny D tho…maybe he just found one that tolerates him and has sufficiently low self esteem and is holding on to her like grim death.

Holy shit the brain drain is going to be massive. No professor will willingly move to Texas again.