GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Maybe I can sic these guys on some welching Patriots fans I know

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the arb panel should start offering its services to gambling forums


This is a heartwarming tale.

What is that little eye?


I don’t think he included enough racism

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Why is Reagan labled Xi?


Two things. 1) Who is Jordan and why is only one agent working on getting him?

  1. Why is the guy in Joe’s head labelled Eleven? Is it a Stranger Things joke? And why are there framed arrows all over the inside of Joe’s head?

In case this isn’t a joke, that’s Xi Jinping.

Lol, whoops. Not a joke. Had no idea what the fuck was happening there.

Any idea about the framed pictures of arrows?

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It’s pretty incredible how right-wingers have once again projected their behavior towards Russia onto the Ds and China.

Those are gauges imo.

Needs more labeling!


Garrison knows all complex machines are made of various gadgets and doohickeys, but mostly he thinks it’s just dials.


I thought maybe they were world clocks, but couldnt track the metaphor

I guess it’s Jim Jordan, who’s been issuing subpoenas and trying to interfere with Bragg’s case against Trump, but it’s a poor likeness even for Garrison. I assume the suggestion of Bragg’s retaliation against Jordan is purely imaginary.

I like that the cop is wearing latex gloves, so he doesn’t have to physically touch the inhuman shackled thug.

To be fair, if suspects are in fact regularly drenched in the blood of their victims, it’s probably not a bad idea to glove up!

Fentanyl paranoia.

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We always make fun of Garrison putting labels on EVERYTHING, but if he doesn’t label EVERYTHING then none of us can figure out what the hell his cartoons are.


I feel that tweet is quite misleading - and the full story makes Lindell look even dumber.

The Prove Mike Wrong Challenge wasn’t to “disprove his claim to have data showing China interfered” but to show that that data Lindell had wasn’t even in fact from the November 2020 election. Lindell made the challenge this narrow since he thought that meant it was unwinnable.

However, the guy showed that all Lindell had was random bits of data - that wasn’t even related to the election (which of course also means that it didn’t show interference since it didn’t even relate to the election). The data was things like lists of cities and IP addresses, images of voting machines, and other random stuff (some which was apparently just gibberish). Sounds like someone swindled Lindell and sold him data they claimed was from the 2020 election, but was just a bunch of random crap.


I thought it was Reagan too at first.

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Also the guy who sued is a Trump voter which is most funny of all

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