GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

You know, that’s what I’m saying. I make things happen. I go for it. You know? I’ll ask a hundred chicks. You know, maybe I get 99 NOs. That’s fine, slide it on, slide it on. Whatever. But maybe that 100th chick likes to fuck on a pile of trash.


About time we put it to those greedy teachers.


Yeah I’ve seen that one. Blatant fraud and nothing has happened.

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$8 check marks flooding replies with their wisdom, utter cesspool.

So all tweets like this will have the top replies be Elon’s mutant blue check army. That’s all anyone is going to see. He’s finally succeeded in turning it into Truth Social.

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Yup - there is no point in looking at replies anymore on Twitter, it’s almost all blue-check mark idiots with like 100 followers.

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Except it’s not run by a charismatic billionaire.


Brought to you by assholes who think Trump was a literal gift from God.


Not a lawyer, but I don’t see how this holds up in court. Stuff like this has been tried many times before it seems.

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Law passes → lawsuit → 5th circuit upholds because they can → appealed to SC → Alito, Thomas, Kav, Gorsuch, and ACB uphold because fuck you, that’s why

That should do it.


yeah with you here. We’ve had this same thing shot down a ton of times in the past 30 years. And if it doesn’t, for sure the 7 tenets and “everyone must go on the Hajj” will show up there I’d guess.

10 commandments stuff always cracks me up. Always wonder how many of them these idiots are even aware of. They are pretty weird. Also somewhat antithetical to the conservative worldview, but whatever.

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The ten commandments are like the Constitution, they don’t care what it actually says they just want to assert that their views are unchallengeable. That’s why the Founding Fathers gave us the ten commandments, duh.

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Just in case anybody else needed a refresher. L O fucking L at the GOP insisting that people follow these.



Dear Leader Donnie Dumb Dumb is like 0/10.


So sure he’s killed someone?

He probably gets off on a technicality for these, but he openly called for the murder of the central park 5. Not to mention Mike Pence. And that’s before we even get to any bombings that he approved as President.

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And he could “shoot someone on Fifth Avenue” and not lose any supporters. So it’s not like he’s averse to it. And he admits his supporters are fine with it too. Not to mention all the death threats for Democratic politicians, RINOs, school board members, election workers, members of the media etc. He’s fine with it.

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This is why they say SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS are being performative. They are completely 100% full of shit on everything they say, so they assume the same is true of everybody.

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