GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

NBZ and NMW, UP’s misanthropic nihilists

Nihilism being so strongly associated with religion.

Organized religion serves a sociological function. Its absence might create a broken and dystopic world.

In the end, it’s all the same.


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When did I make this claim? All those societies were religious too.

I think this is kind of it, but maybe not how or why you meant. … people are horrible precisely because they believe themselves to be a person, which is to say, a separate entity. Violence is a feature of personhood. Or it may be more accurate to say believing yourself to be separate is violence itself.

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I think you can make the case that political personality cults have replaced traditional religion to a large degree.


I imagine a majority of Trump supporters regularly attend church.

I think this is probably true. It’s probably true that a majority of Dems attend church at least once in a while.

This is false. Mainly non-churchgoing believers. Regular church goers are fairly evenly split between parties.

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I make a very big distinction between

“R”eligion and “r”eligion

R is a state in effect. Hierarchy, control, rules for behavior, punishments, etc

r is personal beliefs, such as faith

Sadly R is great at using r to effect control.

This is inevitable. Even that most dedicated social scientists don’t agree on a definition of “religion”. There’s objectively good and bad stuff under the broadest possible interpretation of what constitute religion. People that want to conclude that religion is good will just declare the good stuff “religion” and the bad stuff “not really religion”, and vice versa.

This is a different category than the subset I’m talking about.

Didn’t click link, but I’m guessing 98%+ of those old dudes obsessed with their lawn being perfect are religious?

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These guys are notionally Christian but MAGA is what their true faith is.


They weren’t identified as a separate category, but yes.

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Gold medal post imo.


I don’t even understand this.

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