GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Thats because the “Radical rainbow mafia” isn’t a real thing.

I’d be up for the Reading Rainbow Mafia.


Under commander La Forge

This stupid motherfucker

Not ME ofc, but definitely THEM


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Feels like we’re winding the tape back to the SOUTH CAROLINA PRIMARY

The first person to win golds as man and woman.

I mean the idea that trans people are violent terrorists is just so, so, patently absurd. After all this time, I am STILL surprised that people buy into stuff like this. I know it’s not just that they’re stupid, which many are, but it’s that they’re crafting realities to fit in with their fears. But it’s so obviously false, you would think some lights would go off or something.

And on top of that, if trans people WERE violent, which they aren’t, the main reason for them to be violent would be the persecution! That’s why I want to know what Tucker thinks the trans people are avenging. I guess he’d agree that they’re avenging persecution, except he believes the persecution is 100% justified and correct.

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If all you heard was that you’re grooming children, you would be pretty mad. Seems obvious that’s what the “vengeance” is about.

Right, but that’s because it’s not true. Does Tucker think trans people are mad because their nefarious child-grooming plans have been called out by Patriots?

And then, this organized band of child-grooming trans pedophiles, angry that they’re being foiled, are going to have a Day of Vengeance that is put together via flyers on Instagram?

I know I’m trying to find the sense in people for whom logic is very far beside the point.

Being groomed by a trans pedophiles sounds better than being raised by Tucker Carlson.


You think about what you want to do to trans people and you work backwards to invent justifications. I want to lock up (or worse) trans people so they must be dangerous otherwise I’m just a psycho freak sadist picking on some of the least dangerous, most marginalised people. I know I’m a good person so that can’t be true.


Idk I think the Swanson tv dinner fortune could afford great maids and tutors. That plus boarding school and you’d probably never have to see him.

Yeah, Tucker wouldn’t care at all. The trans pedophiles would care too much.

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It’s exactly as believable as the Jews causing WWI. Which is zero.

There is no bottom to how ludicrous of a lie people will ostensibly believe to justify persecution and genocide.

In derpland trans people are waging war on Christianity.

What geewhysee said.

I think he thinks they’re mad b/c laws are starting to be passed that minimize their humanity.

The standard playbook is to push a marginalized group until they retaliate in some small way, then respond with overwhelming disproportionate force.

Like 9/11?