GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Doesn’t matter. They could recommend $100 million per person. None of that validates the ignorance of the crazy lady. None of it implies that her assertion about “woke” beliefs has any bearing to reality. So it has no bearing on the discussion.

Are we going to trot out this one SF reparations example of “crazy” wokeness every time the topic comes up? This sounds stupid to me.

I’m trying to not be angry about this but the fuck are we supposed to think/feel about the SF reparations example, which isn’t anywhere close to being implemented anyway? That “woke” agendas provoke boundary pushing discussions about what needs to be done to acknowledge and hopefully correct for structural inequity. OH NO THESE LUNATICS HAVE GONE TOO FAR BY, CHECKS NOTES, MAKING A RECOMMENDATION!

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The recommendation is stupid, the whole idea of reparations is stupid, and conservatives will hammer on this stuff all day long to their benefit. If it becomes higher profile Biden should absolutely dismiss it out of hand.

I think it’s ok to acknowledge that left wing government simply is not working in San Francisco. For the local government to spend resources on something like that when (gestures widely) reflects people who simply don’t give a shit about governing.

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Isn’t the debate how close disparity is to ALL as opposed to SOME with the woke crew more inclined to tip towards ALL than the anti-woke?

“How much of the disparity is due to discrimination?” is super awful framing, and you can expect to lose arguments with right wingers regularly if you allow the issue of racial inequity to be framed in this way.

It’s not some issue with a single boogeyman that can be addressed easily. Our entire society is set up to reinforce inequities, and unwinding the mess would be a transformative undertaking. Individuals’ personal discriminatory tendencies are just one cog in the machine.


Not sure how to determine allocation of resources to address an issue without quantifying the extent of the issue, but perhaps I’m just dumb.

If the populations are large enough, then yes, ALL disparity is due to power imbalances and systemic racism. Otherwise you’re saying one population is genetically predisposed to lower wealth


So then just use the “not that much money” and feed them school lunches?


I think it’s way more complicated than that. Drop the same conditions (housing costs, income disparity, homelessness, etc) into any city in America, liberal or conservative, and let’s see how it goes. Yes, San Fran and Portland and (to some extent) Los Angeles are dystopian hellholes. But I think the issues are wayyyyyy bigger than how local government is handling them. I think it’s absurd to contend that conservative politicians would do any better. They’d be putting the homeless in camps.


If those camps weren’t showing some kind of return those politicians would be losing Suzzer’s vote.

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Your “large enough” here is the whole point. Conservative bull shitters are conflating individual outcomes with broad structural biases, and people are falling for it.


It doesn’t matter. The point is that conservative bullshitters are overstating/misleading on this and we don’t want to give them inadvertent support with a bunch of idiotic UM ACTUALLY takes about a motherfucking DRAFT PROPOSAL in ONE CITY by ONE task force.

All kinds of effective government policies allocate resources without being able to accurately quantify the extent of the issue. Demanding rock solid quantifying of the extent of the issue before doing something is a conservative tactic to stop things from ever happening.

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Hot dog we have a wiener.

You guys are parroting right wing talking points in the LOL gop thread



