GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

ISIS But With Football.

Mitch fell. 100 year old fucks donā€™t survive this shit. Fingers crossed.

Iā€™m struggling with the word ā€œprivateā€ in this context. Like was it ā€œprivateā€ in that he was all by himself? Or private, in that he was with other people, but not in the ā€œpublicā€? Whatever, I guess, but this shit bugs me.

That first line is coming from the same party that calls every queer person a groomer, right? Am I wrong, or am I going fucking crazy here?

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Conservatives think double standards are crucial to a functioning society.


Yes but whatā€™s his Value Above Replacement?

If Iā€™m reading this correctly, not nearly as negative as you might think.

Cliffs: Kentucky GOP would submit a list of 3 names to the Democratic governor, who would be forced to select one of those names.

Infinite. He is hands down the most effective GOP politician to ever live.

anyone will be far less competent.

Tell me Rand Paul has a son

I wouldnā€™t call it ā€œdemolishingā€ but nice to see someone who gives zero fucks accuse a senator of tax evasion to his face.

Iā€™m gonna push back on this Mitch narrative a bit, as much as it pains me to do this.

From what I can tell Mitch has 2 main accomplishments, and they are big ones:

  1. Stolen SCOTUS seat during Obamaā€™s final year.
  2. Using every delay tactic possible for Obama judicial appointments.

While these two things are huge, I am not so certain that any partisan majority leader in the senate wouldnā€™t have done the same thing. The Scalia seat was huge. Not just because it was a SCOTUS seat, but it was THE majority flipping seat. Maybe Mitt Romney gives the nominee a hearing and vote, but Iā€™m willing to bet most GOP power wielders would have done the same.

Mitch couldnā€™t deliver on ACA repeal when he had the chance. He has zero significant legislative accomplishments. He got played by Manchin when he let some GOP senators vote for the infrastructure bill then got whip sawed when they pushed through the inflation reduction act through reconciliation.

Heā€™s the face of the GOP senate, but I am fairly certain heā€™s just the head of the snake that would grow back easily. But heā€™s predictable. I guess it just depends on what school of though you subscribe to when it comes to the GOP. Would you rather have the traditional GOP committing their usual atrocities while trying to extend olive branches to the political center, or the new Trump/Desantis levels of insanity. Thereā€™s merits to both as the extremists risk flying too close to the sun, but can be much more dangerous in the short term, and possibly long term, if they succeed in cementing power. Mitch might be a bit more evil when it comes to testing the limits of his power in the senate, but at least he does show some sense of not wanting to destroy any appeal the GOP might have had to moderates, which may or may not be a good thing, Iā€™m actually unsure. But I think now that Mitch has shown that there are no consequences for power grabs from his seat, anyone who replaces him will be as bad or worse.


Since I donā€™t think anyone reads the other thread



Cocaine Mitch locked down GOP control of the SCOTUS for a decade and is the person most responsible for dismantling Roe v Wade, GOAT-level political skill.

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Is he? Doing what he did was cutthroat coming from a genteel establishment RINO type but any R from the Trump school/Freedumb caucus would have done the same things without hesitation.

The fact that he kept Biden-types believing the delusion that he is their friend and partner in government is his greatest achievement, IMO.

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I donā€™t think this is correct historically. Sure today any goper would do same but that is because he set the path.

Sounds pretty serious. A fall requiring hospitalization shouldnt prevent communication unless some serious head trauma occured or he needed to be rushed to surgery

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