GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

My perception is that they usually survive the first fall, but it often weakens them so that the next incident is much more likely to be fatal. So, you should have your fingers crossed that he gets pushed trips again.

McConnell, who’s 81, has walked with a limp after overcoming polio at a young age and suffered a fall in early August 2019, fracturing his shoulder.

Gee I hope he’s ok

If Mitch dies the leopard will have eaten all the faces. He’s obviously a scumbag and a coward but the wheels will completely fall off in his absence.

The wheels won’t fall off. They’ll channel through some other conduit. He’s been really good at it tho’.

(Imagine being more pessimistic than RM… ).

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So what happens if he dies wrt to the Senate?

I’ve spent a decent amount of time around Teamsters and other private sector transportation unions. Of all the people you should not try to act like tough shit around, they’re pretty high up on the list.

lol at some republican suburban dad talking like a tough guy to one of them. The teamster prez didn’t miss a beat shutting him down.



this mf’s name is RANDY

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Establishment types still won’t cut these people loose, Mitch included.


CNN just quoted McConnell’s people who say he’s being treated for a “concussion”.

I guess at that age concussion treatment likely requires hospitalization but it likely shouldn’t be long term. If hes in there more than 48 hours the head trauma is likely a lot more severe than a concussion

What if Mitch recovers from his head injury and he’s a different guy, like Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry? Darth Vader in reverse.


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No one is coming to save you


They would crush so hard if Trump choked on a Big Mac

Anyone got a good idea for a bar trivia name for tonight that references this McConnell concussion?

Mitch McStumble
Stitch McConnell