GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


I posted this last year. My townā€™s schools are making bathrooms open to anyone, and putting in some modifications like enclosing urinals and they were limiting how many people could be in the bathrooms at any one time. The kids protested about the bathroom number restrictions, and lots of parents are up in arms over opening the restrooms - wonā€™t someone think of the children?

My wife was talking to my now 12 year old about it. The kid I mentioned in the first paragraph now identifies as a girl, but uses her birth name - my daughter said about all this, ā€œItā€™s so dumb, (Kidā€™s Name) uses the girls room and literally no one cares.ā€

The Mississippi bill is heartbreaking, but theyā€™re absolutely going to lose.


ā€œdo you think they give a fuck about your bullshit fact checking?ā€


Please. All sides of my family spent time in Canada. I think under some old rules I could have gotten citizenship (my grandmother remained a Canadian citizen). But when Trump came in, I checked and no more. I think if my mother had gotten dual then I could have.

Actually can we just make this happen already? Iā€™m 100% moving to any territory that is about to get annexed by Canada.

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Her right foot is super suss. Was watching a podcast and they were trying to find a picture of all her toes on her right foot but maybe she only has three toes.

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The click through counter ratio between the two links is interesting.


We saw the lion the witch and the wardrobe we donā€™t need to see Margjorie Tumnus Greeneā€™s busted toes again


These breeders sound like a bunch of welfare queens.


Itā€™s CPAC time.

Also this approach has so far failed in Japan and Korea pretty dismally. But there are less religious zealots (American conservatism being the real religion) there.

If you have 10 kids your going to need a whe lot more then a free roll on your property taxes. Good God.


Iā€™m sure there will be an incentive for renters too.


lol. rick scott said ā€œneomarxistsā€ and the audience appeared to cheer.

they keep trying to lure elon musk to texas, but heā€™s divorced. :rofl:


The deplorables are years ahead of Facebook at launching the Metaverse. Turns out you didnā€™t need to build a giant tech infrastructure, you just had to use propaganda to create a shared fictional universe in the minds of Fox News viewers.