GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Can you give me some examples?

IMO, the main difference is the way the bigotry is packaged rather than any difference in the degree of bigotry.

Right but I mean Schlapp is the guy who founded and runs CPAC, and he’s been accused, apparently credibly, of sexual assault by a former male staffer. I have to think that is the main reason for the decline in interest, this year specifically, no? The event has never lacked its share of GOP crazies before now afaik.

Can someone give any examples of a policy goal or platform plank of DeSantis that is equal to or less than Trump’s level of fascism/harm on the same issue?

Like I would be super confident right now voting for Trump if DeSantis was the only other option

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If anything Desantis is worse. He follows whatever the GOP mob wants at a given moment and has no spine of his own.


Lmao. Good for Nick

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I wasn’t implying it’s not as bad. I literally meant it’s packaged differently as opposed to Trump just blurting it out.

The main difference is the perception that DeSantis won’t try to overthrow the government if he loses, that he has some constraints that prevent him from doing whatever he wants. Is that perception accurate?

It’s a meaningful difference if both Trump and DeSantis want the same thing, but you can defeat DeSantis merely by voting hard enough, while to beat Trump, you have to win the election then fight back against a sore loser insurrection tantrum. There’s also a belief, I think, that DeSantis would leave the forms of democracy in place. There might be voter suppression, but you can still win the next election and people believe he’ll abide by the results. With Trump, there’s more pessimism about there even being elections in 2028 if he wins.

If you are looking for general policy stuff, not necessarily related to LGBTQ rights, DeSantis has done some legitimately good things by dedicating tons of funds for Everglades restoration. I don’t think he actually cares about the Everglades, but I think he sees it as easy thing to do to get environmental cred.

Says who?

Says Republican never-Trumpers and the media, I would guess. Whether perception matches reality…

Even on Elon’s twitter, Lee managed to find out. Question now is if he goes on his official account to keep fucking around.

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Absolute weirdo KHive types in the comments going “awww how does it feel Mikey”

Bro he still has has main account lol

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“Do you know what the queers are doing to our soil?”

Next let’s get rid of AL, AR, MO, MS and OK. And the Dakotas. Is Wyoming still a state? If it is let’s get rid of it, too.

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Yeah, F Hawaiii and Alaska. And holy shit, what happened to upper Michigan- source of my ancestry?

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Upper Michigan isn’t really a state though right? Seems like we could let that part go and be fine. Sorry, you’re Canadian now.