GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

He’s gong down the Jeb path fast here - establishment donors and endorsements, that isn’t gonna fly with the inbred mouthbreathing morons he needs no matter how many gay Disney characters he assassinates.


Any tack in the direction of “respectability” is good for DeSantis in the general (the NYT types will fall all over themselves praising his nuance) but its very bad for DeSantis in the primary (where the Republican core wants mean spirited bullying with direct attacks on anyone and everyone). Ronny Dumb Dumb needs to start making fun of disabled people and being aggressively misogynistic to catch some of that Donnie Dumb Dumb energy.


Gonna laugh at all you guys when Desantis formally drops out before the debates even begin.

No way he drops out - needs to stay in to at least be able to grift and raise funds (and then pay them to cronies for advice to his campaign).

Full-blown war between MAGA and the establishment GOP types would be so glorious, I just don’t think we’re that lucky. My gut is that ol Donny Trump won’t wriggle out of this one, but ah well nevertheless. I just hope enough Always Trumpers stay home if Trump is finally beaten or dies.

I don’t think this will happen in any meaningful way. Republicans are way better than Dems at just horse trading. The establishment Rs will just happily give the nuts whatever culture war stuff they want in exchange for tax cuts and deregulation.

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DeSantis is a looooong way from going full Jeb!, but ducking out on CPAC feels like a chickenshit move unless he has some kind of counterprogram going.

Didn’t this already happen 2012-2016? The establishment lost completely.

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Good point, and it didn’t turn out well for our side at all.

Aren’t people skipping CPAC mainly because of Matt Schlapp’s rapeyness?

True! It could definitely happen again. I do think Trump is weaker now, and comes as less of a surprise. But really anything is possible.

It’s not even purely MAGA versus eRep at this point. It’s Trump’s ultra-MAGA versus DeSantis’ MAGA-lite plus eRep. The ultra-MAGA faction would have been behind DeSantis had Trump not declared.

Iowa looking to outlaw the gays

the state of Iowa recognizes the definition of marriage to be the solemnized union between one human biological male and one human biological female.

Dang, they thought of everything. No more marrying turtles. On the other hand, corporations are people…

The state of Iowa considers certain elements of the federal Respect for Marriage Act, Pub. L. No. 117-228, relating to the definition of marriage to be null and void ab initio and to have no effect whatsoever in Iowa


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I’m going to need a NY times Iowa diner excursion to find out exactly how gay marriage has affected a normal Iowans life.

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It’s a purse, but for MEN. Manly men who need guns to prove how manly they are. It is NOT a purse. It’s purse-cision weaponry for tough guys scared of walking in and out of walmart


“If everyone can get married, that means I’m not special.”

Lacks toes, intolerant


What makes it lite instead of more fascist than Trump

Certainly not the part about eradicating the queer and trans menace


It’s highbrow bigotry as opposed to whatever the fuck Trump does.

I think Schlapp’s cartoon evilness is indicative of larger issues. Apparently half the CPAC staff quit and it’s now being exclusively covered by Newsmax instead of Fox.

Really hate to see bad things happen to terrible people.