GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

To be fair yoga is pretty much satanic.


No. Devil hates yoga.


My fun yoga fact.

Yoga and yoke both come from the same indo-european origin. About 7000 years apart.

Kind of cool.

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This makes me feel cooler about the yoga exercises my trainer has me doing.


Florida making bigots a protected class

Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida gifs ad infinitum

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I may be getting lost in the double negatives. But my read is that you cant prove the truth of someone being discriminatory ONLY through their religious beliefs or scientific ā€œbeliefsā€ (lol)

Iā€™m kinda missing this. Seems like theyā€™re saying plaintiff when they mean defendant and vice versa. Or is this the language of a countersuit where the plaintiff is now the guy suing for defamation because he was accused of discrimination? I donā€™t know. Iā€™ll go back to sleep now.

Yes, itā€™s that. The plaintiff is being defamed because theyā€™ve been accused of discrimination after they said ā€œItā€™s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steveā€ while rejecting a job applicant.

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Was scrolling around Libs of Tiktok today because I apparently hate myself?

The one sure thing I came away with is that right wingers must have access to only extremely shitty porn.

Theres like, hundreds of these threads and the responses are always the same. How can we let this porn into our schools?!?!?!?!

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yeah. that was kind of my read as wellā€¦ it basically makes religious beliefs and ā€œscientificā€ beliefs(read foxnews stories) affirmative defenses against claims of discrimination.

so if person A discriminates against person B, and person B calls them a bigot/sues them, person A can counter sue and say ā€œyeah, i did that. its because of my religious beliefsā€, person A wins the case and then person B owes them a MINIMUM of 35,000 dollars for defamation.

That wasnt quite my read.

Bigot is called a bigot.
Bigot sues the other person.
Other person can use a truth defence, but cant use someone being religious or holding ā€œscientific beliefsā€ (lol) as proof.

Obviously a terrible law, unclearly written. Which is often deliberate.

Thatā€™s my read. IANAL, but seems to me the only noteworthy element is the $35k figure.

If I publicly accuse someone of discrimination and all I have is ā€œcome on, the guy is a religious Mormonā€ I feel like that would already be grounds for defamation in a sane environment.

Obviously the whole thing is red meat, and I donā€™t want to be dismissive of the ā€œchilling effectā€ element, but it doesnā€™t seem to be legalizing discrimination even through religion or HELLO?! SCIENCE!!!

idk. i dont see how you get to ā€œtruth defenseā€ outside of religion/ā€œscienceā€.

like what else do you have? hypothetical

A is a trans woman at Bā€™s restaurant.
A uses bathroom that meets with their gender identity.
B ridicules A throws them out of the restaurant causing a scene.
A makes a yelp review that B is a bigot.
B sues A. how does A ā€œproveā€ discrimination without saying B is a bigot because of Bā€™s ā€œscience beliefā€ and B refuses to accept Aā€™s gender identity.
-in a normal world youā€™d maybe use Bā€™s 8 facebook posts that say ā€œtrans women are menā€ or something like that, but if thatā€™s classified in as Bā€™s ā€œscientific beliefsā€ im guessing you arenā€™t going to be able to establish that B discriminated against A.

it just seems to me like itā€™s like all these republican legal maneuvers, they are written like shields but they will undoubtedly be used as weapons. and we havenā€™t even talked about the most chilling point of the proposed bill that an allegation of discrimination is defamation per se.

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Has to be an homage?



Props for using the original, most people these days would skip straight to Dr. Evil.